Shawn Dove, CEO of Campaign for Black Male Achievement (CBMA), is a man who is deeply committed to the maturation of black men and boys —personally and professionally—as they prepare to lead. His organization is a national membership network that seeks to ensure the growth, sustainability, and impact of leaders and organizations committed to improving the life outcomes of black men and boys. Through strategic programming, Dove and his team have connected community leaders with gatekeepers to affect real change. The 2017 BE Modern Man of the Year also creates learning, networking, and developmental opportunities for men and boys across the country with some of the nation’s top leaders.
Last year at the annual Black Enterprise’s Black Men XCEL, Dove made a commitment in the form of a $25,000 pledge from to underwrite the registration costs for black male college students to attend the summit in 2019.

Shawn Dove, CEO of Campaign for Black Male Achievement at 2018 Black Men XCEL Summit (Black Enterprise)
“During last year’s gathering, it became clear to me that the event needed more younger participants like yourselves who would not only benefit from opportunities to build social, intellectual, cultural, and financial capital, but you all could offer the attendees value from your fresh and focused insights about career and business. I believe that attendees could learn from our TFI Fellows’ experiences and stories about the interesting work they’re currently engaged in through CMBA,” said Dove.
And he made sure to make good on his promise! Next week, Dove and his fellows will be joining us in Miami to experience and add significant value to the event. “CBMA saw an opportunity to transform the summit into a truly intergenerational experience and thanks to your presence and participation, we’re realizing that goal this year!”
In a message to the young men, Dove exclaimed, “I’ve attended this event since its inception three years ago and can guarantee you that it will be an inspirational and engaging experience that you will cherish.”
We are looking forward to welcoming the young men with open arms and leaving them with resources and strong connections. And if you want to join them, you can, too.
Click here to join us at Black Men XCEL.
from Black Enterprise