Obstacles are placed in front of us to see if we are able to overcome them and to challenge us to meet the task. In the case of businesswoman Natasha Burton, her obstacle is having an autoimmune disease. But, that hasn’t stop her from being able to have multiple successful businesses to operate.
Black Enterprise was able to speak to her on how she is able to run her businesses while battling her disease.
You co-founded several types of businesses.
Yes I am a co-owner in three different types of businesses, Exquisite Hair Factory, IV Therapy, and my newest baby Bio Health Control!
How are you able to give each company the attention it needs?
Balance is the key for me. I wake up early and go to sleep late. With Exquisite Factory we co-own a factory in China so we are always up 2, 3, 4 in the morning chatting about business with our Chinese partner. For IV Therapy, I believe in this type of hydration treatment so much! It has been a life-changer for me so for me to have the opportunity to help others see the benefit makes it fun and worth the time. When it comes to Bio-Health Control, this is my new baby! Myself and my partner started supplying masks, gowns, and ventilators to various government and hospital entities. This has been extremely rewarding because there’s been no better feeling than to help save lives during this pandemic.
You have a penchant for starting successful businesses, how are you able to do so?
Often times I’m running around like a chicken with her head cut off. But the truth is I love it! The good, the bad, and the ugly, I love it! I never take for granted that God chose me for these opportunities.
You’ve been able to start businesses while you battle with an autoimmune disease. How are you able to fight that battle?
One of the main practices I credit to helping me along this journey has been IV Hydration. I get a custom blend to fight off inflammation and free radicals. I get the Hydration IV every two weeks; if I don’t, my body literally will be become inflamed and I have to worry about flare-ups.
What drives your entrepreneurial spirit?
My entrepreneurial spirit is driven by the fact that God has given me these opportunities even with an autoimmune disease. So I feel obligated to show up and show out. I owe it to myself to win. I am driven by thinking of ways to improve a procedure or practice; I get excited about the idea of making something better. A lot of people with my same condition are in a wheelchair and completely dependent on a caretaker. I don’t take my opportunities for granted.
What are the most important qualities that one needs to become a successful business owner?
I think the most important quality when becoming a business owner is to have patience. Adapt well with various personalities. Keep your eyes on the prize as much as possible and never be afraid to pivot into something else.
What advice would you tell someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?
The advice I would give to someone who wants to be a successful entrepreneur is to give up all the things you feel you can’t live without. Money, time, sleep, relationships, alcohol, partying, and once you’ve made that sacrifice get you a vision board (dry erase preferred), write out your business idea. Then take a dry eraser marker and write the name of your business in your bathroom mirror, bedroom window, and anywhere else you can do so. Why? So that you are eating, sleeping, and breathing your new baby. I also think having a business mentor is a great step as well.
from Black Enterprise https://ift.tt/2ZENLPJ