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Friday, June 30, 2023

Boost for Wagner as Mali shuns UN troops but at what cost?

As it pushes out 12,000 UN peacekeepers, Mali will be relying ever more heavily on Russian mercenaries.

from BBC News - Africa
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Black Hair Chronicles: The African Roots of Braiding and Natural Hair Styles

Black hair is a universe unto itself, shaped by a rich tapestry of historical, cultural, and personal narratives. Each coil and twist tells a story; each style is a testament to a legacy that spans continents and centuries. From the intricate braiding techniques to the embrace of natural hair styles, black hair is not just about fashion - it's an embodiment of identity, resilience, and heritage.

In the heart of Africa, hair has always been a significant aspect of identity. Historically, hairstyles were a clear indicator of a person's clan, marital status, age, and even socio-economic status. Hairstyles were a language, unspoken but deeply understood. Intricate braiding techniques, passed down through generations, were not simply about creating eye-catching styles; they were a communal activity, a coming together of women in a circle of storytelling, advice sharing, and bonding.

Braids, in particular, carry a historical significance that is as intricate as their patterns. Braiding, known as 'plaiting' in some African communities, has been an integral part of African culture for over 5,000 years. Cornrows, box braids, and micro braids - these styles that we see adorning the heads of black women today have roots that dig deep into the African soil.

African societies understood the power of hair, and by extension, the power of black women. But with the onset of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade, this power was threatened. Enslaved Africans were often forced to shave their heads, a brutal act of erasure. Yet, even in the face of such adversity, the resilient spirit of Africans prevailed. They continued to braid their hair, subtly weaving in patterns that served as escape maps, leading the way to freedom.

Fast forward to the 21st century, the natural hair movement has brought a renaissance of these ancient techniques. Black women across the globe are rejecting the pressure to conform to Western hair standards, choosing instead to embrace their natural textures. Afro, twist-outs, Bantu knots, and locs - these styles are a celebration of black beauty in its natural form, a reclamation of identity, and a nod to their roots.

The journey of black hair is a journey of resilience, resistance, and return. It's a narrative of black women standing tall, their heads adorned with crowns of curls and coils, each strand interwoven with stories of the past and dreams of the future. As we bask in the beauty of black hair, let us not forget the rich African roots that nourish it.

For every braid pattern that graces our heads, every afro that stands tall and proud, and every natural hair style that defies gravity, we remember. We remember the African roots of our hair journey, the strength of our ancestors, and the power that lies at the roots of our hair - the power of being unapologetically Black.

Tour de France 2023: Smiling Girmay can be 'symbol' for Africa

Biniam Girmay's former coach says the Eritrean can be the first black African to win a stage at the Tour de France and help grow cycling on the continent.

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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Embracing Evolving Market Trends: Strategic Insights and Opportunities for BabaYao Investment Fund Investors

Dear Valued Investor,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to provide you with our latest market insights and strategic recommendations, based on recent demographic trends and data in the US stock market.

Firstly, we have observed a significant increase in the participation of younger investors in the market. There’s been a meaningful influx of retail investors, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, since 2020. The new wave, often referred to as “Generation Investor,” is optimistic about the future of the stock market, with a considerable proportion intending to increase their investments. This trend is expected to continue in the short term, and we believe it could present a unique opportunity for companies that cater to this demographic.

Given this younger generation’s familiarity with technology and openness to innovation, we suggest a strategic tilt towards companies in the technology sector and those with significant growth potential in the renewable energy space. These sectors are well-positioned to capitalize on the new generation’s risk tolerance and interest in high-growth opportunities.

In the long term, our research suggests a potential shift towards more sustainable and long-term investment strategies. Fewer new investors are focused on short-term earnings compared to 2020, indicating a trend towards long-term investment. This evolving dynamic could create opportunities for investments in index funds and blue-chip stocks that offer steady, long-term growth.

Moreover, as the new wave of investors matures and gains more financial knowledge, they are likely to seek diversification in their portfolios. We believe this could spur increased interest in various asset classes, including bonds, real estate, and international stocks, thereby presenting opportunities for well-diversified funds.

One key trend we anticipate in the long term is the growing demand for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investments. Given the social and environmental awareness of Millennials and Gen Z, companies with strong ESG policies and practices may benefit from increased investment interest.

Lastly, as retirement planning becomes more relevant for these younger investors, we see a potential increase in contributions to retirement accounts and a greater demand for retirement planning services.

We at BabaYao Investment Fund believe in staying ahead of market trends and positioning our portfolio to seize emerging opportunities. Based on our analysis of these demographic and market trends, we will continue to diversify our portfolio and prioritize investments that align with these shifts.

Please remember that investing in the stock market always carries risk, and it’s important to consider your personal financial situation and risk tolerance before making investment decisions. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or need further guidance.

Thank you for your continued trust in BabaYao Investment Fund. We look forward to navigating these exciting opportunities together.

Best Regards,

G Mahia | CIO | BabaYao Investment Fund

African Culinary Fusion: How Immigrants are Transforming America's Food Scene

In the grand tapestry of America’s food scene, a new thread is weaving its way in, adding a vibrant dash of color that is impossible to ignore. This thread, spun from the rich and diverse culinary traditions of Africa, is redefining our collective palate, one plate at a time.

Imagine the bustling kitchens of New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. The air filled with the smell of frying plantains, the sizzle of suya kebabs on the grill, and the warming aroma of berbere spice wafting from a simmering pot of doro wat. This is the reality of today's American culinary landscape, and it's a testament to the transformative influence of African immigrants on our food culture.

Why does this matter? Because food, in its essence, is a storyteller. Each dish tells a tale of history, culture, and identity, and these African-infused narratives are enhancing America's culinary storybook with chapters that have been waiting to be shared.

African immigrants have not only brought their traditional recipes to America but have also masterfully fused them with American flavors, creating a culinary crossover that excites the senses. Take jollof rice, a quintessential West African dish. In American kitchens, this flavorful one-pot meal finds companions in locally sourced ingredients such as Cajun sausage or Creole spices, creating a jollof fusion that harmonizes the best of both continents.

Or consider the rise of Afro-veganism, which combines the plant-based ethos of veganism with the rich, wholesome tradition of African cuisine. By emphasizing grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, Afro-vegan dishes like Ethiopian lentil stews or Moroccan vegetable tagines are not just delicious, they're contributing to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

And let's not forget about the impact on the restaurant scene. From food trucks offering Senegalese thieboudienne in Seattle, to Michelin-starred establishments serving gourmet versions of South African bunny chow in Manhattan, African cuisine is claiming its rightful place in the American food industry.

In transforming the American food scene, African immigrants are doing more than just tantalizing our taste buds. They are creating a platform for cultural exchange, fostering a sense of community, and challenging our understanding of what American food can be.

So, the next time you sit down to enjoy a bowl of Eritrean shiro or a Nigerian meat pie, remember that you're not just satisfying your hunger. You're participating in a culinary revolution, a delicious testament to the power of diversity and the universal language of food.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Artificial intelligence in Africa: Should we be wary?

Artificial intelligence is developing at a rapid rate and is transforming many aspects of life in Africa.

from BBC News - Africa
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The Evolution of African Dance: From Traditional Rhythms to Dancehall

Africa, the cradle of humanity, has been a vibrant epicenter of culture, storytelling, and, notably, dance. African dance, pulsating with life and steeped in tradition, is much more than a simple sequence of movements. It's a language, a form of communication that transcends words, echoing the rhythm of the continent's heart.

Rooted in Tradition

Traditional African dance is as diverse as the continent itself, with each community having its own unique dances. These dances are deeply integrated into the social fabric, used to mark life's milestones – births, marriages, and even deaths. They are performed at social gatherings, used to entertain, to educate, and to preserve the oral traditions of the community.

In West Africa, the Djembe drum, the heart-beat-like pulse of the Mandinka people, guides the energetic footwork and expressive movements of dancers. In Southern Africa, the pulsating rhythm of the Gumboot dance, born in the gold mines of South Africa, tells tales of resilience and strength.

An Ocean of Influence

The trans-Atlantic slave trade, a dark period in human history, inadvertently became a catalyst for the spread of African dance and music. Despite the harsh conditions, enslaved Africans held onto their culture, creating new forms of expression that blended their African heritage with the influences of their new environment.

The result? Vibrant dance forms like the Samba in Brazil, the Rumba in Cuba, and the Bomba in Puerto Rico – all bearing the undeniable imprint of African rhythm and movement.

African Dance in the Modern World

Fast-forward to the 21st century, and the influence of African dance has permeated global pop culture. Afrobeat, a musical genre with roots in West Africa, has become a global phenomenon, with the dance steps featured in music videos and performed at music festivals worldwide.

Dancehall, a genre born in the ghettos of Jamaica, is a direct descendant of African dance. It's energetic, it's expressive, and it's captivating audiences globally. The African rhythm at its core, coupled with its rebellious spirit and vibrant movements, has turned it into a symbol of freedom and self-expression.

African dance has evolved, but it remains a potent symbol of the continent's rich cultural heritage. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of tradition, and the universal language of movement.

From the traditional rhythms echoing across African plains to the pulsating beats of Dancehall shaking dance floors worldwide, African dance continues to tell our shared story – one step at a time.

Hajj: Price rises making pilgrimage increasingly unaffordable

The pilgrimage to Mecca is becoming increasingly unaffordable for many Muslims across the world.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Wagner's network in Africa faces uncertain future

What does the Russian mercenary group's failed mutiny mean for its fighters in African countries?

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Lessons from Africa: Sustainable Practices and Indigenous Knowledge

The African continent, with its rich cultural diversity and history, is often underestimated when it comes to sustainable practices and indigenous knowledge. Despite the challenges Africa faces, it continues to serve as a beacon of innovation, resilience, and wisdom. Let's delve into the lessons we can learn from Africa's approach to sustainability and its profound indigenous knowledge.

Indigenous Wisdom and Sustainability

In the heart of Africa, communities have thrived for centuries, employing sustainable practices deeply rooted in respect for the earth. For example, the Zulu people of South Africa have a long-standing tradition of permaculture, a system designed to work harmoniously with nature, promoting ecological balance and sustainability.

Similarly, the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania have for generations practiced rotational grazing, an eco-friendly approach that allows the grasslands to regenerate, preserving the ecosystem while supporting their livestock-based economy.

Biomimicry: Learning from Nature

Africa is home to an abundance of biodiversity. This has led to the evolution of biomimicry, a practice that looks to nature for inspiration to solve human problems. The Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, is a testament to this. The building’s design emulates the self-cooling mounds of African termites, thus eliminating the need for air-conditioning, saving energy, and promoting sustainability.

Community: The Heart of Sustainability

African communities understand that true sustainability lies in collective effort. Ubuntu, a philosophy originating from Southern Africa, teaches that we are interconnected. It highlights the importance of community in fostering sustainable practices and reminds us that our actions have ripple effects.

Closing Thoughts

As we navigate the complexities of sustainability in a rapidly changing world, we would do well to remember that wisdom is not new, and innovation is not always synonymous with technology. There's an entire world of sustainable practices and indigenous knowledge to learn from, and Africa, in its wisdom and resilience, offers invaluable lessons.

Let us be humble learners, embracing the wisdom of our global community, and be inspired by the lessons of sustainable practices and indigenous knowledge that Africa generously shares.

Fishing and safaris help Zimbabwe into Super Six

A new mindset has helped propel a resurgent Zimbabwe into the final stage of World Cup qualifying.

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How healthcare is helping regrow Madagascars rainforest

A former logger is leading her community to help regrow Madagascar’s rainforest by swapping tree seeds for healthcare.

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Monday, June 26, 2023

Organ harvesting: Trafficked for his kidney and now forced into hiding

The inside story of the Nigerian market trader whose case exposed illegal organ removal in the UK.

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Egypt's husband and wife squash champions

World number one Ali Farag explains how his wife, fellow player Nour El Tayeb, and daughter inspire his performances.

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African Nature Reserves: Preserving Biodiversity and Promoting Ecotourism

Few places on Earth possess the extraordinary natural beauty and rich biodiversity found in Africa. It's a continent that's home to majestic creatures, exotic plants, and unparalleled landscapes. And in the heart of this beauty, lie Africa's nature reserves, the unsung heroes, diligently working towards preserving biodiversity and promoting ecotourism.

These reserves are more than just idyllic tourist attractions. They serve as custodians of the African environment, protecting thousands of species that call this continent home. From the towering giraffes of the Serengeti to the delicate fynbos of the Cape Floristic Region, each reserve tells a unique tale of the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.

Yet, the benefits of these reserves go beyond environmental protection. They're catalysts for the burgeoning ecotourism industry, contributing substantially to local economies and communities. They are not merely areas of conservation, but hubs of sustainable growth. Through ecotourism, they help to create jobs, boost local businesses, and fund further conservation efforts.

But how do these reserves achieve this balance between conservation and tourism? The secret lies in their sustainable practices. These reserves are designed to minimize the environmental impact of tourism, allowing visitors to experience Africa's natural wonders without causing harm. This involves everything from regulating visitor numbers, to implementing waste management systems, to educating tourists about responsible behavior.

However, preserving biodiversity and promoting ecotourism is not without its challenges. Habitat loss, climate change, and illegal wildlife trade are persistent threats. But through collaborative efforts between governments, non-profit organizations, and local communities, these obstacles can be overcome.

Take the story of the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. Once devastated by civil war and poaching, the park has been revitalized through a successful public-private partnership. Today, it serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how effective conservation can lead to an economic and ecological resurgence.

African nature reserves are not just about protecting the present; they are about securing the future. They offer a vision of an Africa where nature thrives, where local communities prosper, and where visitors from around the world can appreciate the continent's incredible biodiversity in a sustainable way.

In a world where the struggle between human progress and environmental conservation often feels like a zero-sum game, African nature reserves present an alternative narrative. They prove that it is possible to promote economic development while preserving our planet's precious biodiversity. They remind us that we can enjoy nature's gifts, without taking them for granted.

The wonders of Africa's nature reserves are waiting to be explored. And with each visit, you're not just witnessing the beauty of Africa. You're contributing to the preservation of its biodiversity and the promotion of ecotourism. Because in the end, we're all part of this incredible story of coexistence.

Hundreds of Sudanese stranded at Egypt border

Hundreds of Sudanese are stuck at the border with Egypt, after the country reversed an exemption allowing women, children and elderly men to cross freely without a visa.

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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Challenges and Opportunities for African Entrepreneurs in America

As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so do the hopes and dreams of African entrepreneurs taking flight across the vast Atlantic, landing firmly on American soil. Here, they face a landscape that's both challenging and ripe with opportunities.

Many African entrepreneurs arrive in America with the audacious belief in their ability to create, innovate, and contribute. But, like pioneers in any frontier, they encounter obstacles that could deter even the most resilient minds.

The first of these challenges is access to capital. Many African entrepreneurs find it difficult to secure the funding necessary to launch or grow their businesses. The reasons are multi-layered and often tied to an unfamiliarity with the nuances of the American business landscape or the lack of a robust network of potential investors.

Another challenge is understanding and navigating the complex regulatory environment in the United States. Every business owner must grapple with this, but the learning curve can be particularly steep for newcomers unfamiliar with American laws and regulations.

On top of these, the cultural divide can't be ignored. African entrepreneurs must strive to bridge the gap between their native cultures and the American market, which can affect everything from product design to marketing strategy.

But for every challenge, there is an opportunity waiting to be seized.

The diversity of African cultures presents a wealth of unique ideas and perspectives that can be leveraged to create innovative products and services. This cultural richness can be a strong differentiator in a market that thrives on novelty and uniqueness.

Moreover, African entrepreneurs have the opportunity to tap into the growing interest in African goods and services, driven by a more globally conscious consumer base. This can create a niche market that is both profitable and personally fulfilling.

In addition, the rise of digital technology has leveled the playing field in many ways. It has made it possible for African entrepreneurs to reach a global audience, find mentors, learn new skills, and even secure funding through platforms like Kickstarter.

And let’s not forget the power of community. African entrepreneurs in America have the unique advantage of being part of both the African diaspora and the broader network of immigrants in America. These communities can offer valuable support, guidance, and opportunities for collaboration.

In the end, the journey of an African entrepreneur in America is a tapestry woven with threads of challenges and opportunities. It requires resilience, creativity, and an unyielding belief in the power of dreams. But for those who dare, the rewards can be immense – not just for the entrepreneurs themselves, but for the diverse and vibrant tapestry that is America.

Zimbabwe's obsession with Animal Farm as novel gets Shona translation

George Orwell's satirical novel has such resonance it has been translated into the local Shona language.

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Jose Peseiro: Fans to decide fate of Nigeria head coach

The head of the country's football federation reveals supporters will get a say on whether Jose Peseiro keeps his job.

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Friday, June 23, 2023

Sudan conflict: Army outnumbered on Khartoum's streets

Rival forces have a stronger presence in the capital, despite the fact that the army is much bigger.

from BBC News - Africa
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The Rise of Afrofuturism: Blending African Culture with Science Fiction

In the sprawling cosmos of cultural expression, a vibrant meteor has streaked across the sky, captivating audiences worldwide. That meteor is Afrofuturism – a fusion of African culture with science fiction, redefining the narrative of what it means to be African in the future.

Afrofuturism is not merely a genre—it's a cultural aesthetic, a philosophy of science, and a lens of history. It marries the diverse, rich tapestry of African culture with the boundless potential of the future, and it’s becoming increasingly influential in arts, literature, and film.

Let’s start by unraveling the term. Afrofuturism is a blend of two concepts. On one hand, we have 'Afro,' representing the vast expanse of African cultures, histories, and identities. On the other hand, we have 'futurism,' embodying forward-thinking visions and imaginative possibilities of the future. It’s a novel realm where ancient African traditions meet spaceships, where ancestral spirits converse with artificial intelligence.

But why does this matter?

Well, for a long time, the narrative of the future was dominated by western perspectives. The spaceships, the robots, the alien landscapes—all bore the imprint of a Eurocentric worldview. Afrofuturism disrupts this narrative. It centers Africans and people of African descent, placing them squarely in the driver's seat of the future. It’s a powerful tool for reshaping perceptions and inspiring new generations to dream without boundaries.

Take, for example, the global phenomenon of Marvel's "Black Panther." The nation of Wakanda embodied Afrofuturism, blending traditional African cultures with advanced technologies. Wakanda challenged stereotypes, presenting an African nation that was technologically superior and culturally vibrant.

However, Afrofuturism is not just about creating African-themed sci-fi. It’s about reimagining the past and redefining the future. It uses the canvas of the future to address the injustices of the past and present, weaving stories that inspire action and change.

So, how can we embrace Afrofuturism?

By supporting creators who champion this movement. By consuming art, literature, and films that embody the spirit of Afrofuturism. By engaging in conversations that challenge the status quo and imagine a future where the African voice is not just heard, but celebrated.

Afrofuturism is a celebration of African identity, a rallying cry for diversity, and a beacon for the future. It's a meteor that’s here to stay, illuminating the night sky with stories yet untold.

Embrace the rise of Afrofuturism. Because the future is African.

Zambian President Hichilema's $6bn debt deal hailed as 'historic'

Much of the money was owed to China, which had been accused of holding up a deal.

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

USAID: From an assistance model to a community-based aid

The head of the USAID, Samantha Power has told the BBC they are working with local resistance committees in Sudan to get assistance to people in need.

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UK fruit picking like prison says SA worker

A South African woman tells a Lords committee about "shocking" working conditions on English farms.

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African Festivals in the Diaspora: Celebrating Heritage and Community

In the kaleidoscope of human existence, festivals occupy a vibrant space, echoing the stories, values, and identities that define us. This is particularly true for Africans in the diaspora. With rich traditions and cultural diversity, African festivals in the diaspora serve as a bridge—a connection to roots steeped in history and a celebration of shared heritage.

Imagine the scene. The air is rich with the scent of traditional African cuisine, the rhythmic beats of drums and stringed instruments fill the atmosphere, and vibrant colors swirl as dancers move in sync to the music. These are not scenes from Lagos or Accra, but from cities like New York, London, or Rio. African festivals in the diaspora are more than just celebrations—they're vibrant reminders of a homeland, a unifying force that nurtures a sense of community and identity in foreign lands.

Take the Notting Hill Carnival, for example. Since 1966, this London-based festival has morphed into one of the largest street festivals in Europe, showcasing Caribbean culture in its resplendent glory, and serving as a testament to African diaspora influence. The festival pulsates with the energy of Soca music, Calypso, and steelpan performances—art forms with deep roots in African musical traditions.

Across the pond in the United States, we find the DanceAfrica festival. Launched in 1977 by the Brooklyn Academy of Music, this festival has become an annual Memorial Day weekend tradition. DanceAfrica revels in the diversity of African dance forms, offering spectators a visually stunning journey across the African continent.

These festivals, and countless others, tell a story. A story of resilience, pride, and unity. They embody the vibrant spirit of African cultures, showcasing the richness of African art, music, dance, and cuisine. More than just gatherings, they serve as cultural reservoirs, preserving traditions and instilling a sense of cultural pride in younger generations.

Moreover, these festivals stimulate dialogue. They open doors for cultural exchange and understanding, breaking down barriers and stereotypes. They foster a sense of community among African immigrants and their descendants, and extend an invitation to others to partake in the celebration, and in doing so, gain a deeper appreciation for African cultures.

African festivals in the diaspora are more than a celebration of heritage; they are a proclamation of identity, a communal space for memory, and a powerful platform for cultural expression. They are a beacon of African pride, illuminating the rich tapestry of African culture and history in the global arena. So, the next time you hear the vibrant beats of African music emanating from a festival in your city, take a moment to join in the celebration, and embrace the unity in diversity that it represents.

At least 30 migrants feared dead in Canary Islands disaster

The Western Africa-Atlantic migration route is considered one of the world's deadliest.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Former Mali basketball coach handed lifetime ban after abuse investigation

Amadou Bamba one of five coaches and officials sanctioned after an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse.

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The Role of African Traditional Medicine in Modern Health Practices

In the bustling city centers of the 21st century, we often find ourselves enchanted by the latest advancements in medical technology. But while these developments are undoubtedly impressive, it's essential not to overlook the rich tapestry of knowledge that has been woven over centuries - the wisdom that traditional African medicine offers us.

African traditional medicine is not a relic of the past; it's a vibrant, living system of healthcare that continues to serve millions of people across the continent. It's a system that integrates the physical, social, and spiritual realms, embracing the belief that health is a holistic endeavor.

One might ask, why should we pay attention to traditional African medicine in our modern health practices? Well, the reasons are manifold.

Firstly, African traditional medicine is steeped in centuries of practical application. The cures and treatments it offers have been honed by generations of healers. These practices are not merely historical footnotes, but rather, they provide invaluable insights into treating ailments using natural resources.

Secondly, it has a unique focus on prevention. African traditional medicine is not only about treating illness but preventing it in the first place. This approach aligns perfectly with modern health practices that increasingly emphasize preventive care.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, traditional African medicine provides us with a different perspective on health. It reminds us that health is not just about physical wellbeing, but also about our connection with our community and the world around us.

The integration of African traditional medicine into modern health practices is not without its challenges. However, with cultural sensitivity, respect, and a commitment to understanding, we can build bridges that will allow us to draw from this rich well of knowledge, to the benefit of all.

It's time we recognized the potential of traditional African medicine in shaping our health practices. By embracing its wisdom, we not only enrich our understanding of health and wellbeing but also honor the diversity and richness of global health traditions.

As we navigate the complex landscape of 21st-century health care, let us remember that sometimes, the answers we seek can be found in the wisdom of the past.

Asamoah Gyan: Ghana's record goalscorer retires from football

Africa's top scorer at World Cups calls time on his career after a record 51 goals in 109 games for Ghana.

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Brazil 2-4 Senegal: Sadio Mane scores twice in friendly

Former Liverpool forward Sadio Mane scores twice as Senegal beat Brazil in a friendly in Lisbon, Portugal.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

'We are the friend' - Cameroon striker Ajara Nchout inspiring those fleeing terror

Cameroon and Inter Milan striker Ajara Nchout on her work using football to combat the impact of Islamist insurgents.

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Migrant crisis: Tunisian fisherman finds dead bodies in his net

Many migrants leave from Tunisia by boat to reach Europe, but the consequences can be tragic.

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African Immigrants, Black Lives Matter Movement, and Juneteenth: A Tapestry of Shared Histories and Unified Futures

The Black Lives Matter movement has undeniably become a cornerstone of contemporary discourse. It's a call for justice that resonates far beyond the shores of America, reaching the hearts of people globally. But within the intricate layers of this movement are narratives often overlooked—those of African immigrants.

Juneteenth, the historic day that marked the end of slavery in the U.S, is a symbol of freedom and resilience. For African immigrants, it's also a day that speaks volumes about shared histories and the unified futures of Black people worldwide.

African immigrants have been an integral part of the American story, contributing to the rich tapestry of the nation. They bring with them diverse cultures, languages, and experiences that only add to the vibrant quilt of Black America.

The Black Lives Matter movement, in its broad appeal for justice, presents a platform where these unique African immigrant voices can be heard. Their stories of overcoming adversity, their dreams of a better future, and their distinct perspective on racial justice can serve as powerful narratives that enrich the overall conversation.

In the face of systemic racism, African immigrants stand in solidarity with their African American siblings. They, too, share in the fight for equality, lending their voices to the chorus demanding justice.

For African immigrants, the celebration of Juneteenth holds a special significance. It's more than a commemoration of the end of an inhumane practice. It's an affirmation of the unbreakable spirit of Black people, the resilience that transcends borders, and the shared heritage that binds us all.

As we move forward, it's crucial that we continue to amplify these voices within our communities. The narratives of African immigrants are not separate, but rather integral threads in the larger fabric of the Black Lives Matter movement and the celebration of Juneteenth.

By weaving these unique threads together, we can begin to see a more inclusive, holistic picture of what it means to fight for justice, honor our shared history, and celebrate our collective resilience. Let us remember that our stories, like our struggles and our victories, are intertwined. And it's in that unity that we find our greatest strength.

African Immigrants' Influence on American Sports: From Soccer Fields to Basketball Courts

It's a truth universally acknowledged that sports hold a mirror to society. The stories on the court, the pitch, or the track are often reflections of larger narratives playing out in our communities. One such compelling narrative is the rising influence of African immigrants on American sports.

The journey begins on the lush green soccer fields of Africa. A continent brimming with talent, Africa has been the birthplace of some of the world's greatest soccer stars. These athletes have taken their skills across the Atlantic, injecting a unique blend of speed, agility, and creativity into the American soccer scene. But their impact extends beyond scoring goals or dazzling fans with footwork. They're reshaping the culture of soccer in America, encouraging a more inclusive, dynamic, and competitive environment that raises the bar for everyone involved.

Step off the soccer field and onto the basketball court, and the influence of African immigrants is just as profound. African-born NBA stars are not just towering figures on the court; they are ambassadors for the sport, inspiring a new generation of players both in America and back in Africa. Their success stories, filled with grit, determination, and resilience, resonate with fans worldwide.

But here's the part that might surprise you. It's not just about the athletes themselves. It's also about the vast and vibrant community of African immigrants and their descendants who support and elevate these sports. From the coaches who teach the fundamentals, the trainers who help athletes hone their skills, to the fans who fill the stands, their passion is a driving force behind the scenes. This collective effort has helped to foster an environment where African immigrants can succeed and influence the sports they love.

What does this mean for the future of American sports? Expect to see more diversity, more global influences, and a richer, more inclusive sports culture. The impact of African immigrants on American sports is a powerful reminder of how our shared love for the game can unite us, transcending borders and cultural differences.

In the end, sports are more than just games. They are platforms for sharing cultures, bridging gaps, and inspiring change. The story of African immigrants' influence on American sports is a testament to this power, and it's a narrative worth cheering for.

Afcon 2023: Sudan players hope to 'bring joy' to war-torn nation

Midfielder Muataz Hashem believes qualification for the 2023 Afcon will lift spirits for football fans affected by Sudan's civil war.

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Monday, June 19, 2023

Uganda ADF school attack: I covered myself in blood to hide

A student tells the BBC he survived an attack by suspected Islamist rebels by pretending to be dead.

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Afcon 2023: Nigeria qualify Ghana stumble & Gabon lose

Nigeria beat Sierra Leone 3-2 to qualify for the Africa Cup of Nations, while Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Mali also book their places.

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Africa's Ukraine-Russia peace mission: What was achieved?

South Africa's leader hails last week's trip as "historic" but what difference did it really make?

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Ukraine-Russia African peace mission: Whats next?

African leaders have insisted the war between Russia and Ukraine must end during their peace mission in Ukraine and Russia.

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Sunday, June 18, 2023

South African taps run dry after power shortages

Electricity problems have led to water shortages and those with money are digging their own boreholes.

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Uganda school attack: 'Gospel songs interrupted by screaming'

Mourners of those killed by Islamist militants describe their shock about the raid's brutality.

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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Ukraine war must end South African President Ramaphosa tells Putin

Cyril Ramaphosa and other African leaders met the Ukrainian and Russian presidents in their peace bid.

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Sudan crisis: Five children among 17 killed in air strikes

Twenty-five homes were destroyed in the densely populated area of Yarmouk, where civilians are trapped.

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Friday, June 16, 2023

Cameroon's Ngonnso: 'My fight to bring our sacred stolen statue home

The Ngonnso statue was looted from Cameroon in 1902 and has been on display in a Berlin museum.

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Cyril Ramaphosa: 'The road to peace is not an easy one'

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said African countries are prepared to participate further in a peace pact between Ukraine and Russia.

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South Africa's stranded presidential security team: Poland denies racism

South Africa's presidential security chief accuses Polish officials of racism as he is stranded in Warsaw.

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The Legacy of African Civilizations: Unraveling the Rich History of Great African Empires

When we think of historic civilizations, our minds often travel to Greece, Rome, or Egypt. Yet, there's an untold story that extends far beyond the Nile and the Mediterranean. We're about to embark on a journey into the heart of Africa, to unearth the rich legacy of its great empires and civilizations.

Africa, a continent brimming with diversity and history, is home to some of the world's earliest and most influential civilizations. These ancient societies were built on foundations of innovation, culture, and sheer human resilience, leaving a lasting impact that still resonates today.

Let's start with the Kushite Empire, a powerful kingdom that emerged in Nubia, now present-day Sudan, around 2500 BCE. The Kushites were renowned for their skill in metallurgy, crafting intricate gold jewelry and finely wrought iron weapons. They even rivaled the Egyptians, ruling as Pharaohs during Egypt's 25th Dynasty.

Moving west, we find the Mali Empire, a beacon of learning and trade during the Middle Ages. Its capital, Timbuktu, was a global center for Islamic scholarship, attracting scholars, poets, and philosophers from across the Islamic world. The famed Mansa Musa, believed to be the wealthiest man in history, ruled this empire, leaving a legacy of architectural marvels, most notably the Great Mosque of Djenné.

Journey south, and you'll discover the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, famed for its grand stone structures, especially the Great Zimbabwe, an architectural marvel whose construction techniques were centuries ahead of its time.

It's crucial to remember that these civilizations were not isolated. They connected, traded, and interacted with the rest of the world, spreading their influence across continents. Their contributions to arts, science, governance, and culture are imprinted in our collective human legacy.

Understanding the legacy of African civilizations grants us a broader perspective of human history. It encourages us to challenge the narratives we've been told and explore the stories that have been left out. As we unravel the history of these great African empires, we find a tapestry of human achievement that is as diverse as it is inspiring.

By recognizing the breadth and depth of Africa's historical contributions, we can foster a deeper appreciation of the continent's role in shaping our world. The echoes of these ancient civilizations continue to resonate, reminding us that Africa's history is a vital part of our shared global heritage.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Why South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa is leading Ukraine peace mission

South Africa's president is spearheading the mediation effort at a time when he is under US pressure.

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Africa's week in pictures: 9-15 June 2023

A selection of the best photos from across Africa and beyond this week.

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Another Beyoncé world tour but no African cities

Some of Beyoncé's Africa fans are willing to do anything to see her on the continent.

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Kwara boat capsize: Mothers die trying to save children in Nigeria

More than 100 people drowned when the wooden boat they were using to cross the River Niger capsized.

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Africa Cup of Nations: Central African Republic targeting historic first qualification

Central African Republic are targeting history this weekend by qualifying for the Africa Cup of Nations for the first time.

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Sudan conflict: West Darfur governor killed after genocide claim

Khamis Abakar blamed paramilitary forces for West Darfur's ethnic violence hours before his abduction.

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Spotlight on African Filmmakers: From Nollywood to Hollywood

Whether it's the vibrant streets of Lagos or the dazzling lights of Hollywood, African filmmakers are making their mark and reshaping narratives one frame at a time. This isn't a story about the big production houses or the well-known faces we've come to associate with the silver screen. This is about the unheralded geniuses, the masters of storytelling, and the creative minds who are shaping the future of filmmaking from Africa to the rest of the world.

The world of cinema isn't new to Africa; it has always been a colorful tapestry of stories waiting to be told. From the early days of Nollywood, Nigeria's blossoming film industry, the stage was set for an African film renaissance. Today, Nollywood stands as the second largest film industry globally, just behind India's Bollywood and ahead of Hollywood.

But it's not just about quantity. African filmmakers are pushing the boundaries of quality, creativity, and innovation. They are telling authentic African stories, exploring themes that resonate deeply within the African diaspora, and even challenging stereotypes about Africa itself.

Take Genevieve Nnaji, for instance. Her directorial debut, "Lionheart," was the first Netflix original film from Nigeria, an authentic story told in the Igbo language about a woman navigating a male-dominated business world. Or consider Wanuri Kahiu, the Kenyan director whose film "Rafiki" boldly explores a lesbian relationship in a society that shuns such narratives.

Beyond Nollywood, African filmmakers are steadily gaining traction in Hollywood. From Steve McQueen, the British director of Grenadian and Trinidadian descent who won the Academy Award for Best Picture for "12 Years a Slave," to Chinonye Chukwu, who made history as the first black woman to win the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival for her film "Clemency."

African filmmakers are not only reshaping the landscape of global cinema but are also playing a pivotal role in fostering a deeper understanding of African cultures, experiences, and perspectives. By telling our own stories, we are breaking barriers, bridging gaps, and fostering a sense of unity and shared identity among the African diaspora.

In the end, it's clear that the future of filmmaking has a distinct African imprint. As audiences, we can look forward to a future where our screens are filled with a rich diversity of stories, perspectives, and voices that reflect the world in all its complexity and beauty. From Nollywood to Hollywood, the spotlight is now shining brightly on African filmmakers, and it's a sight to behold.

Fatma Samoura: Fifa secretary general to step down from role after seven years

Fatma Samoura is to step down after seven years as Fifa's secretary general to spend more time with her family.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Ukraine and Russias proxy battle for African support

Ukraine is behind Russia when it comes to diplomatic relations with Africa. But it’s certainly on a charm offensive.

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South African Football Association: Violence condemned as shots fired in third-tier play-off match

The South African Football Association promises 'harsh' punishments after a pitch invasion and shots were fired in violence at a third-tier play-off match in Pietermaritzburg.

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Senegal protests: The neighbourhood has lost a good man

In Senegal, families demand justice for the victims of the clashes following the sentencing of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko.

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African Contributions to Modern Science: Unrecognized Achievements and Innovations

Africa, the cradle of humanity. A rich tapestry of culture, history, and innovation that has shaped the world as we know it. Yet, the continent’s contributions to modern science are often overlooked, hidden beneath a veil of misconception and stereotype. But today, we draw back that veil to shed light on the unrecognized achievements and innovations birthed from this vibrant continent.

Firstly, consider mathematics, the universal language. Long before Pythagoras had his theorem, Ancient Egyptians were already well-versed in sophisticated mathematical concepts. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, dating back to 1650 BC, is a testament to this, featuring problems on fractions, algebra, geometry, and even trigonometry. By observing the stellar alignment, these remarkable individuals developed a calendar year of 365 days, paving the way for our modern timekeeping.

In the realm of medicine, Africans have a long-standing tradition of innovation. The world's oldest known surgical document, the Edwin Smith Papyrus, originates from Ancient Egypt around 1600 BC. It details surgical treatments for various injuries, demonstrating a surprisingly advanced understanding of the human anatomy. Fast forward to the 21st century, where South African surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first successful human-to-human heart transplant, a medical feat that revolutionized cardiology.

The field of astronomy, too, is graced by Africa’s scientific prowess. African Dogon tribes in Mali had knowledge of Sirius B, a white dwarf star invisible to the naked eye, long before its discovery by Western astronomers. Meanwhile, in the highlands of Ethiopia, the Entoto Observatory and Research Center is breaking new ground in space research, studying phenomena from black holes to climate change.

In the sphere of technology, Africa's innovation is palpable. From the M-Pesa mobile payment system transforming financial inclusion in Kenya, to the pioneering work of African women in STEM, pushing boundaries and challenging norms. The continent is a hotbed of tech startups, harnessing the power of technology to solve local problems and redefine the African narrative.

It’s time we recognized these achievements and many others. Africa's contributions to modern science are profound and far-reaching. They underscore the importance of diversity in science, reminding us that innovation knows no boundaries – geographical, cultural, or otherwise.

Africa, the cradle of humanity, is also a cradle of scientific innovation. Let's celebrate it, let's learn from it, and let's support it. Because when we uplift diverse voices in science, we propel humanity forward.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Ethiopia repatriates Ugandan cult members who went there to starve

Their pastor allegedly told them that they would "meet Jesus Christ" after fasting for 40 days.

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Women's World Cup 2023: Barcelona and Nigeria striker Asisat Oshoala welcomes money boost

Asisat Oshoala believes Fifa's move to ramp up prize money for the Women's World Cup will lift the players involved in Australia and New Zealand.

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African Art Renaissance: Meet the African Artists Shaping the Global Art Scene

Art is the language of the soul, speaking in colors, shapes, and images that words cannot capture. In Africa, this language has long been a vibrant part of cultural expression. However, the global art scene is now witnessing an exciting evolution - an African Art Renaissance. This movement is led by a dynamic group of African artists who are redefining the narrative of African art, transforming it from a niche interest into a globally celebrated phenomenon.

The artists at the forefront of this renaissance are as diverse as the continent itself. From the bustling art markets of Lagos to the vibrant murals of Johannesburg, these artists are challenging stereotypes, exploring identity, and making bold political statements.

Take, for example, Laolu Senbanjo, a Nigerian artist whose intricate, Yoruba-inspired body art has been showcased in Beyonce's "Lemonade" video and at the Grammy Museum. Or consider Wangechi Mutu, a Kenyan artist whose provocative sculptures and collages explore themes of gender, race, and colonialism.

Yet, the African Art Renaissance isn't confined to the continent. It's reaching across oceans, carried by African diaspora artists like Njideka Akunyili Crosby. Crosby's large-scale works, which blend Nigerian cultural themes with Western art techniques, have found acclaim in international art circles.

What we're witnessing is more than a trend. It's a powerful affirmation of African identity and creativity in a global context. These artists are not just creating art; they're creating conversations, challenging viewers to question their perceptions and engage with African realities on a deeper level.

But why does this matter to you?

The art we consume and appreciate shapes our understanding of the world. By embracing the African Art Renaissance, you're not just discovering beautiful, thought-provoking artwork. You're also partaking in a global shift towards greater diversity and representation in the art world.

So, where do you start?

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the work of these trailblazing artists. Attend exhibits, support African art galleries, and engage in discussions about their work. As you immerse yourself in this renaissance, you'll not only enrich your personal art appreciation but also contribute to a wider recognition of African artists on the global stage.

The African Art Renaissance is here, vibrant and alive. It's a celebration of culture, a testament to resilience, and above all, a beacon of creativity. Dive in, explore, and let the colors, shapes, and stories of African art enrich your world. 

Guinness World Records: Hilda Baci's non-stop cooking record confirmed

Hilda Baci caused a sensation last month after cooking non-stop for four days.

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Monday, June 12, 2023

African Champions League: Al Ahly claim 11th title with win over Wydad Casablanca

Egypt's Al Ahly are crowned African Champions League winners for a record-extending 11th time with victory over Morocco's Wydad.

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Reviving African Languages: The Importance of Mother Tongue Education in the Diaspora

Let's paint a picture, shall we?

Imagine a vast, radiant tapestry woven from countless threads. Each thread represents a different language spoken across the world. Some are bright and easily seen - the dominant languages. Others are subtler, perhaps not as noticeable but every bit as crucial to the rich, vibrant design of the tapestry. Now, imagine a few of those threads beginning to fade, their vibrant hues dulling. That's exactly what's happening to many African languages today.

But why should we care?

Language isn't merely a tool for communication. It's a vessel for culture, history, and identity. It’s the lens through which we understand the world and our place in it. When a language fades, we lose more than words. We lose a unique perspective on life, a unique voice in the chorus of human experience.

For the African diaspora, maintaining a connection to their mother tongue isn't just about preservation. It's about identity. It’s about fostering a sense of belonging and understanding the roots from which they’ve sprung.

Let's dive deeper.

It's time we acknowledged the power of mother tongue education. Research has shown that children who start their education in their mother tongue make a better start, and continue to perform better, than those who start with a second language.

It makes sense, doesn’t it? Imagine learning complex concepts like mathematics or science in a language you barely understand. It's like trying to build a house on a shaky foundation.

In the context of the African diaspora, mother tongue education allows for the transmission of cultural knowledge and heritage, bridging the gap between generations and continents. It strengthens the bond with the homeland and fosters a sense of community.

The challenge, of course, is implementing this in a world dominated by a handful of languages. It's not about rejecting English, French, or other dominant languages, but rather about creating space for the mother tongue alongside them. It's about fostering bilingualism or even multilingualism, where the mother tongue is the springboard to other languages, rather than being replaced by them.

Reviving African languages and promoting mother tongue education isn't a step backward. It's a step toward a richer, more diverse global culture. It's a step towards a world where every thread in the tapestry of human language continues to shine brightly, contributing to the radiant design that represents our shared human experience.

Are you ready to take that step?

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Three Britons missing after Egypt boat fire

Twelve other Britons were rescued after a fire on a boat which was on a cruise in the Egyptian Red Sea.

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Top Belgian museum rethinks its Congo relationship

The 125-year-old institution is teaching a new generation of Belgians a different history.

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Nigerian kidnap gangs drive big-time Nigerian farmers away

Some of those key to boosting agricultural output in Africa's most-populous nation have given up.

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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Dragos Tigau: Romania recalls Kenya ambassador over racist monkey slur

Dragos Tigau made a racist comment at a meeting in April but has only now been disciplined.

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Sudan ceasefire brings uneasy calm to Khartoum

People in the capital city buy food and medicine as warring generals agree a brief ceasefire.

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Pearl Beach hotel: Islamists kill nine in Somalia attack

Police say they ended a six-hour siege at the site in Mogadishu, killing all seven attackers.

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Friday, June 9, 2023

Diamond League: 'Superhuman' Faith Kipyegon breaks 5,000m world record

Watch as Kenya's Faith Kipyegon breaks the 5,000m world record with an "unbelievable" time of 14 minutes 5.20 seconds at the Diamond League meeting in Paris.

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Inter's Cameroonian goalie feels 'no stress'

Chelsea target Andre Onana says Inter Milan have 'nothing to lose' as they prepare face Manchester City in the Champions League final.

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The Power of African Textiles: History and Symbolism of Traditional Fabrics

Throughout the centuries, textiles have served as a silent language, expressing more than words can often articulate. In Africa, this language is powerful, vibrant, and steeped in history. African textiles tell stories, signify social status, celebrate important events, and symbolize cultural values. They're more than mere fabrics; they're a rich tapestry of life and identity.

One of the most distinctive textiles hails from West Africa, known as 'Kente'. Originating from the Akan ethnic group in Ghana, Kente is recognized by its bold, geometric patterns and vibrant colors, each bearing a specific meaning. It’s not just a cloth; it’s a visual representation of history, philosophy, ethics, and social code.

In East Africa, the 'Kanga' reigns supreme. This rectangular cotton fabric is typically adorned with beautiful borders and a central inscription, or 'jina', usually a Swahili proverb. The Kanga is a social tool for women, an unspoken method of communication, and a canvas of wisdom.

In the Sahara's heart, the 'Tuareg' people create the 'Tagelmust', an indigo-dyed cotton fabric used as a turban and veil. The intense blue color signifies the sky, a symbol of wisdom and eternity. It’s a testament to the endurance of the human spirit under the desert sun.

While we celebrate these textiles for their aesthetic appeal, we must remember the deeper meanings they carry. The weaving techniques passed down through generations represent a link to the past, a connection to ancestors, and a tribute to African creativity.

Today, African textiles are making waves in global fashion, interior design, and art, bringing their narratives to the world stage. However, to fully appreciate their beauty, we must understand the stories they tell and the cultures they represent.

In the loom of each fabric, we find the threads of history, identity, and resilience. African textiles are not just about the clothes we wear, but the stories we tell, the values we uphold, and the heritage we carry. They stand as an enduring testament to the power and spirit of Africa.

So, the next time you admire an African textile, look beyond the color and pattern. Listen to its story. It's a language that speaks of a rich, vibrant, and resilient continent. And that’s the power of African textiles.

Meet South Africa's controversial cartoonist

Jonathan Shapiro - the cartoonist known as Zapiro - talks to HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur about some of his most controversial work.

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Football in Senegal suspended after deadly protests

Domestic football suspended in Senegal until further notice following protests that have seen 16 people killed.

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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Africa's week in pictures: 2-8 June 2023

A selection of the best photos from across Africa and beyond this week.

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Kenya starvation cult: In the eyes of a rescue worker

Mathias Shipeta has been at the heart of the Shakahola cult rescue operation.

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Sudan conflict: Children rescued from orphanage in Khartoum

Nearly 300 children, most of them below the age of two, have been evacuated from the capital.

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Exploring African Indigenous Religions and Their Impact on Diaspora Spirituality

There is a saying in Africa that goes, "When an elder dies, a library burns down." It implies the profound loss of wisdom, stories, and spiritual traditions passed down through generations. African indigenous religions, often as diverse and vibrant as the continent itself, form a significant part of this intangible heritage. Their influence seeps into every aspect of life, from family relations to social ethics, from artistic expression to community cohesion. However, their impact extends far beyond the boundaries of the African continent, reaching into the hearts and souls of the African diaspora worldwide.

The journey of African spirituality across the Atlantic during the slave trade is a tale of resilience and adaptation. In the Americas, enslaved Africans found ingenious ways to preserve their spiritual beliefs, even in the face of extreme adversity. They disguised their deities under the names of Catholic saints and continued their rituals in secret, giving birth to new religious systems like Vodou in Haiti, Candomblé in Brazil, and Santeria in Cuba. These syncretic religions, while having evolved, still bear the unmistakable imprint of their African roots.

In North America, the spiritual practices of African diaspora communities have often been more subtle but no less significant. The call-and-response style in Black American gospel music, for instance, echoes West African communal worship practices. Similarly, the African concept of "Ubuntu" - the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity - has been a guiding principle in many African American communities, influencing social justice movements and community-building efforts.

What is remarkable about African indigenous religions is their profound connection to nature. The sacred is not confined to temples or scriptures but permeates the entire cosmos. Rivers, mountains, trees, animals - all are imbued with spiritual significance. This holistic worldview resonates with many in the African diaspora who seek a more integrative approach to spirituality, one that honors the interconnectedness of all life and respects the Earth.

The legacy of African indigenous religions in the diaspora is a testament to the enduring power of spiritual traditions to provide strength, resilience, and a sense of identity. It is a heritage that continues to evolve, to inspire, and to contribute to the rich tapestry of global spirituality. In understanding and appreciating this legacy, we not only honor the past but also enrich our present and future spiritual landscapes.

Egypt bans Dutch archaeologists over exhibition linking Beyonce and Rihanna to Queen Nefertiti

A museum says it is being unfairly punished for showing ancient Egypt's influence on black artists.

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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Sudan conflict: What to do with the dead bodies in Khartoum

Some Khartoum residents have become accidental undertakers to stop corpses being left on the streets.

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African Women Trailblazers: Profiles of Inspiring Female Leaders Across the Continent

Africa is not just a continent; it's a tapestry of cultures, histories, and traditions. And in this vibrant tapestry, there are threads that shine brighter, threads that refuse to be overlooked—these are the African women trailblazers. They are leading, innovating, and inspiring change across the continent, carving out spaces in industries and arenas often dominated by men.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf: The 'Iron Lady' of Africa

First on our list is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the former president of Liberia. Sirleaf was the first elected female head of state in Africa, earning her the nickname "Africa's Iron Lady". She steered Liberia through recovery after a brutal civil war, championing economic and social reforms. A Nobel Peace Prize laureate, she stands as a testament to resilience and leadership.

Dr. Awele Elumelu: Championing Healthcare and Entrepreneurship

In the world of health and entrepreneurship, one name stands out: Dr. Awele Elumelu. She is the founder of Avon Medical Practice and a Trustee of the Tony Elumelu Foundation. She's driving transformation in healthcare provision across Africa and nurturing the next generation of African entrepreneurs.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: A Literary Luminary

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a name that needs little introduction. The acclaimed author has left an indelible mark on the global literary scene. Her works, like "Half of a Yellow Sun" and "Americanah", offer a compelling view into African society. She's not just a writer; she's a powerful advocate for feminism and social equality.

Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu: From Ethiopia to Global Markets

Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu, founder of SoleRebels, has turned traditional Ethiopian weaving into an internationally recognized footwear brand. She is a shining example of how innovation can flourish when it's rooted in tradition and driven by a deep passion for community upliftment.

Njideka Akunyili Crosby: Reshaping Contemporary Art

Artists often push boundaries, and Njideka Akunyili Crosby is doing just that. Her art, which fuses Nigerian culture with Western influences, has taken the global art scene by storm. Her works have been displayed in prestigious galleries worldwide, showcasing African narratives on an international stage.

These women are just a few of the many African trailblazers changing the world, one industry at a time. They are testament to the power of courage, determination, and innovation. They are the role models for future generations of African women leaders, proving that there's no limit to what African women can achieve.

Stay tuned as we continue to celebrate more inspiring African women leaders across the continent. Their stories are not just their own—they are the stories of Africa, and they are the stories that the world needs to hear.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Tunisian black women: ‘My skin colour says I don’t belong’

Black women in the North African country are looked down on and made to feel that they do not belong.

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African Folklore and Its Influence on Black American Literature

In the grand tapestry of human history, stories have always been the threads that weave us together. They entertain us, educate us, and, most importantly, they shape our understanding of the world and our place within it. Nowhere is this more evident than in the enduring influence of African folklore on Black American literature.

Often overlooked, African folklore is a treasure trove of wisdom, mystery, and cultural richness. Its oral traditions, from the enchanting Anansi tales to the enlightening parables of the Bantu, carry the collective wisdom of generations, passed down through time. They reflect a world seen through the lens of African ancestors, a world rich with lessons about life, community, and the human spirit.

When we turn our gaze to Black American literature, the echoes of these ancestral voices are unmistakable. Many Black authors have not just acknowledged but celebrated their African roots, weaving elements of traditional folklore into their narratives. In doing so, they have created a unique literary tradition that reverberates with the rhythms of Africa.

Let's take a journey through a few notable examples.

Zora Neale Hurston's "Their Eyes Were Watching God" is a classic illustration. Drawing heavily on her anthropological research in the South and Caribbean, Hurston laces the novel with African folklore elements, creating a narrative that blends the personal with the mythical.

Toni Morrison’s "Beloved" is another masterpiece where African folklore elements are deeply interwoven. Morrison uses the African concept of Sankofa, looking back to the past to inform the future, as a central theme. It’s a stark exploration of the African American experience, underscored by the haunting legacy of slavery.

Then there’s the work of Ralph Ellison, whose "Invisible Man" incorporates elements of African spirituality and mythology, grounding its exploration of racial and personal identity in a rich cultural heritage.

These authors, and countless others, have tapped into the power of African folklore, using it to express unique perspectives on the Black experience in America. In doing so, they have illuminated the path for future writers, enriching Black American literature with the timeless wisdom of African stories.

In the end, stories are more than just tales. They are bridges spanning time and space, connecting us to our past and guiding us into the future. The influence of African folklore on Black American literature is a testament to this enduring truth: our stories, like our lives, are intertwined. And it's through these shared narratives that we understand not only where we've come from, but also where we're going.

The bridge to Ethiopia carrying Sudan's refugees to safety

Many refugees are relieved to cross the Metema bridge from Sudan into Ethiopia. But getting there is extremely dangerous.

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Sudan-born Majok to repay the sport that offered a path away from war

Former Los Angeles Laker Ater Majok wants to repay a sport that gave him purpose as he returns to the continent to play in the Basketball Africa League.

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Monday, June 5, 2023

Ghana patients in danger as nurses head for NHS in UK - medics

The recruitment of nurses by high-income countries is "out of control", a nursing body says.

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Foodie Tour Across Africa: Exploring African Cuisine from Senegal to South Africa

Africa, a continent of vast landscapes and incredible diversity, offers a gastronomic journey that's as rich and varied as its many cultures and histories. From the aromatic spices of Senegal to the robust flavors of South Africa, the African cuisine is a treasure trove of culinary delights waiting to be discovered.

Let's embark on a foodie tour across Africa that will tantalize your taste buds and enrich your cultural understanding.

The Vibrant Cuisine of Senegal

Senegal, the westernmost country on the African mainland, is known for its hearty and flavorful cuisine. The national dish, Thieboudienne, is a testament to this. Thieboudienne, a hearty fish and rice dish cooked with a variety of vegetables and tamarind, offers a tantalizing mix of sweet, sour, and savory flavors. This dish is as rich in taste as it is in cultural significance, reflecting the Senegalese community’s love for community, sharing, and hospitality.

A Stop in Nigeria

Moving eastward, our foodie tour takes us to Nigeria, the continent's most populous country. Nigerian cuisine is as diverse as its people, but one dish stands out – Jollof Rice. This popular dish, cooked with rice, tomatoes, onions, and a variety of spices, is a staple in Nigerian homes and a must-try for any food lover. Jollof Rice showcases the unique blend of flavors and textures that Nigerian cuisine has to offer.

Exploring Ethiopian Cuisine

Next, we head to Ethiopia, a country with a rich culinary heritage that dates back thousands of years. Injera, a sourdough flatbread, and Doro Wat, a spicy chicken stew, are the stars of Ethiopian cuisine. Eaten together, they create a harmony of flavors that is both satisfying and comforting. The tradition of eating from a shared platter signifies unity and camaraderie, emphasizing the importance of community in Ethiopian culture.

South African Culinary Delights

Finally, our culinary journey across Africa takes us to South Africa, where the cuisine is as diverse as its landscape. Bobotie, a spiced minced meat baked with an egg-based topping, is a classic South African dish. With its sweet and savory notes, Bobotie perfectly encapsulates the fusion of flavors that defines South African cuisine.

Whether you're a seasoned foodie or a curious traveler, exploring African cuisine is an adventure in itself. Each dish tells a story, each flavor carries a tradition. By savoring these culinary delights, we don't just feed our bodies; we also nourish our understanding and appreciation of the rich tapestry of cultures that make up this vibrant continent.

Dane van Niekerk 'uncomfortable' in cricket kit after fitness issues

Former South Africa captain Dane van Niekerk says she feels "uncomfortable" wearing cricket kit after being dropped over fitness issues.

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Saturday, June 3, 2023

Ghetto Kids: Winning Britain's Got Talent would mean a bigger house in Uganda

A group of Ugandan children is on the verge of glory after reaching the final of Britain's Got Talent.

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African Champions League: Are Al Ahly Africa's version of Real Madrid?

As Egypt's Al Ahly bid for a record-extending eleventh continental title, can similarities be drawn with Europe's most successful club side?

from BBC News - Africa
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Friday, June 2, 2023

African Immigrants in America: The Journey, The Challenges, and The Triumphs

In a world that seems to spin on an axis of constant change, there is a group of individuals who find themselves in the midst of a journey that's both arduous and inspiring. They are African immigrants in America. The very essence of their narrative is a saga of resilience, adaptability, and an unfailing spirit. Let's embark on this journey together, understanding the challenges they face, and celebrating the triumphs they've achieved.

The Journey

Every journey begins with a step, and for African immigrants in America, that first step is often marked by a potent mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The push and pull factors that influence their migration are as diverse as the continent they hail from. Some are driven by the desire for better economic opportunities, others seek education, while some are escaping conflict or persecution. Regardless of the reasons, they all share a common goal: a brighter future for themselves and their families.

The Challenges

Stepping onto American soil doesn't signify the end of the journey, but rather the beginning of a new chapter. This chapter, too, is filled with challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, and the struggle to find stable employment are just a few of the hurdles they face. Navigating an unfamiliar education system for their children and dealing with the impacts of systemic racism are also part of the obstacles.

Yet, the biggest challenge may well be the emotional one - grappling with homesickness and the feeling of being 'othered' in a foreign land. It’s a struggle to keep their rich cultural heritage alive while simultaneously trying to assimilate into the American cultural fabric.

The Triumphs

Despite these challenges, African immigrants in America have penned triumphant narratives that are nothing short of inspiring. They've excelled in various fields, from academia to entrepreneurship, from politics to sports. In 2019, Nigerian immigrants, for instance, were reported to be the most educated ethnic group in the United States. Ethiopian immigrants have transformed the face of small businesses in various American cities. The stories of triumph are many, and they underscore the resilience and tenacity of these individuals.

The journey of African immigrants in America is a testament to the human spirit's ability to adapt, grow, and thrive in the face of adversity. Their stories are not just about surviving, but about flourishing and making significant contributions to the diverse tapestry of American society. As we celebrate their triumphs, let's also stand in solidarity with their challenges, recognizing that every step on their journey enriches us all.

UK police release image of man found dead in plane

The unknown man's body was found in the undercarriage of a plane at Gatwick Airport in December.

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Huge sandstorm sweeps across Suez Canal in Egypt

Two of the canal's ports were closed as parts of Egypt were engulfed by dust and sand.

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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Ousmane Sonko trial: Senegal opposition leader sentenced for 'corrupting youth'

Protests erupt as politician Ousmane Sonko is cleared of rape but gets two years for another offence.

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NBA Playoffs: How Denver Nuggets' Zeke Nnaji promotes AI and virtual reality

As he looks ahead to the NBA Finals, Denver Nuggets forward Zeke Nnaji explains why he's nurturing budding scientists in Nigeria.

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The Influence of African Music on Global Genres: From Afrobeat to Jazz

There's an undeniable rhythm to life. It beats in our hearts, it pulses in our veins, and it resonates in the music we create. Nowhere is this rhythm more palpable than in the vibrant cadences of African music, a tapestry of sounds that has shaped global music genres across the spectrum. From the throbbing drums of Afrobeat to the soulful riffs of jazz, African music's influence is a testament to its power and versatility.

Let's start with Afrobeat, a genre born in the bustling city of Lagos, Nigeria, under the genius of Fela Kuti. Afrobeat is an audacious blend of traditional Yoruba music, jazz, highlife, and funk. Its pulsating rhythm and politically charged lyrics have not only captivated audiences in Africa but have also made its way to Western mainstream music. Today, the echoes of Afrobeat can be heard in the tracks of globally acclaimed artists like Beyoncé and Ed Sheeran.

Now, let's swing over to jazz, a genre synonymous with cool, improv, and expressive freedom. Few people realize that jazz has its roots deeply entwined with African music. The call-and-response pattern, a common feature in African music, found its way into jazz and became a defining characteristic of this genre. The complex rhythms and polyphony of African music also shaped jazz, leading to the creation of ragtime, swing, and the blues.

The influences of African music don't stop at Afrobeat and jazz. They weave their way into rock and roll, with Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley drawing on rhythm and blues, a genre itself influenced by African sounds. They pulse in the reggae beats of Bob Marley and seep into the soulful tunes of Aretha Franklin.

Indeed, African music is not just music—it's a global language that has transcended borders, cultures, and time. Its rhythms, melodies, and harmonies are etched into the very fabric of global music, resonating with the shared experiences of humanity. And while the world keeps spinning, the influence of African music continues to beat on, shaping the global soundtrack of life.

So, the next time you bob your head to a catchy tune or get lost in a soulful melody, listen to the undercurrents. You might just hear the echoes of African music, reminding us all of the universal language of rhythm, melody, and harmony that connects us.

Sudan conflict: Rockets hit Khartoum market as talks collapse

It caused the most civilian casualties in a single incident in the capital since the war began.

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