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Thursday, January 30, 2020

MIT helps first-time entrepreneur build food hospitality company

Christine Marcus MBA ’12 was an unlikely entrepreneur in 2011. That year, after spending her entire, 17-year career in government, most recently as the deputy chief financial officer for the U.S. Department of Energy, she entered the MIT Sloan School of Management Fellows MBA Program.

Moreover, Marcus didn’t think of herself as an entrepreneur.

“That was the furthest thing from my mind,” she says. “I knew it was time to think about the private sector, but my plan was to leave Sloan and get a job in finance. The thought of entrepreneurship was nowhere in my mind. I wasn’t one of those people who came with a business idea.”

By the end of Sloan’s intensive, 12-month program, however, Marcus was running a startup helping local organizations and companies serve food from some of Boston’s best restaurants to hundreds of people. Upon graduation, in addition to her degree, Marcus had 40 recurring customers and had sold about $50,000 worth of food from her classmates’ Italian restaurant.

What happened to spark such a dramatic change?

“MIT happened,” Marcus says. “Being in that ecosystem and listening to all the people share their stories of starting companies, listening to CEOs talk about their successes and failures, the mistakes they’ve made along the way, that was super-inspiring. What I realized at MIT was that I’ve always been an entrepreneur.”

In the years since graduation, Marcus has used her new perspective to build Alchemista, a “high-touch” hospitality company that helps businesses, commercial real estate developers, and property owners provide meals to employees and tenants. Today, Alchemista has clients in Boston, New York City, and Washington, and serves more than 60,000 meals each month.

The company’s services go beyond simply curating restaraunts on a website: Each one of Alchemista’s clients has its own representative that customizes menus each month, and Alchemista employees are on the scene setting up every meal to ensure everything goes smoothly.

“We work with companies that focus on employee culture and invest in their employees, and we incorporate ourselves into that culture,” Marcus says.

Finding inspiration, then confidence

At first, all Marcus wanted from MIT were some bright new employees for the Department of Energy. During a recruiting trip for that agency in 2011, she met Bill Aulet, the managing director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship and professor of the practice at Sloan.

“I mentioned to Bill that I was thinking of doing an MBA,” Marcus remembers. “He said, ‘You need to come to MIT. It will transform your life.’ Those were his exact words. Then basically, ‘And you need to do it now.’”

Soon after that conversation, Marcus applied for the Sloan Fellows Program, which crams an MBA into one year of full-time, hands on work. A few weeks after being accepted, she left her lifelong career in government for good.

But Marcus still had no plans to become an entrepreneur. That came more gradually at Sloan, as she listened to experts describe entrepreneurship as a learnable craft, received encouragement and advice from professors, and heard from dozens of successful first-time entrepreneurs about their own early doubts and failures.

“A lot of these founders had backgrounds in things that had nothing to do with their industry,” Marcus says. “My question was always, ‘How do you become successful in an industry you don’t know anything about?’ Their answer was always the same: ‘It’s all about learning and being curious.’”

During one typically long day in the MBA program, a classmate brought in food from his Italian restaurant. Marcus was blown away and wondered why MIT didn’t cater from nice restaurants like that all the time.

The thought set in motion a process that has never really stopped for Marcus. She began speaking with office secretaries, club presidents, and other event organizers at MIT. She learned it was a nightmare ordering food for hundreds of people, and that many of Boston’s best restaurants had no means of connecting with such organizers.

“I made myself known on campus just hustling,” Marcus remembers. “First I had to spend time figuring out who orders food. … I made it my mission to talk to all of them, understand their pain points, and understand what would get them to change their processes at that point. It was a lot of legwork.”

Marcus moved into the entrepreneurial track at Sloan, and says one of her most helpful classes was tech sales, taught by Lou Shipley, who’s now an advisor for Alchemista. She also says it was helpful that professors focused on real-world problems, at some points even using Alchemista as a case study, allowing Marcus’s entire class to weigh in on problems she was grappling with.

“That was super-helpful, to have all these smart MIT students working on my company,” she says.

As she neared gradation, Marcus spent a lot of time in the Trust Center, and leaned heavily on MIT’s support system.

“That’s the best thing about MIT: the ecosystem,” Marcus says. “Everybody genuinely wants to help however they can.”

Leaving that ecosystem, which Marcus described as a “challenging yet safe environment,” presented Marcus with her biggest test yet.

Taking the plunge

At some point, every entrepreneur must decide if they’re passionate and confident enough in their business to fully commit to it. Over the course of a whirlwind year, MIT gave Marcus a crash course in entrepreneurship, but it couldn’t make that decision for her.

Marcus responded unequivocally. She started by selling her house in Washington and renting a one-bedroom apartment in Boston. She also says she used up her retirement savings as she worked to expand Alchemista’s customer base in the early days.

“I’m not sure I would recommend it to anyone without a strong stomach, but I jumped in with both feet,” Marcus says.

And MIT never stopped lending support. At the time, Sloan was planning to renovate a building on campus, so in the interim, Aulet started a coworking space called the MIT Beehive. Marcus worked out of there for more than a year, collaborating with other MIT startup founders and establishing a supportive network of peers.

Her commitment paid off. By 2014, Marcus had a growing customer base and a strong business model based on recurring revenue from large customer accounts. Alchemista soon expanded to Washington and New York City.

Last year, the company brought on a culinary team and opened its own kitchens. It also expanded its services to commercial property owners and managers who don’t want to give up leasing space for a traditional cafeteria or don’t have restaurants nearby.

Marcus has also incorporated her passion for sustainability into Alchemista’s operations. After using palm leaf plates for years, the company recently switched over to reusable plates and utensils, saving over 100,000 tons of waste annually, she says.

Ultimately, Marcus thinks Alchemista’s success is a result of its human-centered approach to helping customers.

“It’s not this massive website where you place an order and have no contact,” Marcus says. “We’re the opposite of that. We’re high-touch because everyone else is a website or app. Simply put, we take all the headaches away from ordering for hundreds of people. Food is very personal; breaking bread is one of the most fundamental ways to connect with others. We provide that experience in a premium, elevated way.”

from MIT News

Hospital rankings hold up

Given the complexities of health care, do basic statistics used to rank hospitals really work well? A study co-authored by MIT economists indicates that some fundamental metrics do, in fact, provide real insight about hospital quality.

“The results suggest a substantial improvement in health if you go to a hospital where the quality scores are higher,” says Joseph Doyle, an MIT economist and co-author of a new paper detailing the study’s results.

The study was designed to work around a difficult problem in evaluating hospital quality: Some high-performing hospitals may receive an above-average number of very sick patients. Accepting those difficult cases could, on the surface, worsen the aggregate outcomes of a given hospital’s patients and make such hospitals seem less effective than they are.

However, the scholars found a way to study equivalent pools of patients, thus allowing them to judge the hospitals in level terms. Overall, the study shows, when patient sickness levels are accounted for, hospitals that score well on quality measures have 30-day readmission rates that are 15 percent lower than a set of lesser-rated hospitals, and 30-day mortality rates that are 17 percent lower.

“It wasn’t clear going in whether these quality measures do a good job of sorting hospitals out,” Doyle adds. “These results suggest that they have predictive power.”

The paper, “Evaluating Measures of Hospital Quality: Evidence from Hospital Referral Patterns,” was written by Doyle, the Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management and Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management; John Graves, an assistant professor in the Department of Health Policy at Vanderbilt University; and Jonathan Gruber, the Ford Professor of Economics and associate department head of MIT’s Department of Economics. It appears in the latest issue of the Review of Economics and Statistics.

Randomized evaluations

To conduct the study, the researchers used a method that eliminates the issue of studying a skewed sample of admissions. They studied areas across the country where dispatchers’ calls are assigned randomly to different ambulance companies. Those ambulance companies tend to deliver patients to particular hospitals. Thus, otherwise similar groups of patients are admitted to different hospitals in what is essentially a random pattern; this allows outcomes to be compared among hospitals.

The patient data came primarily from Medicare claims made across the country during the period 2008-2012, and covered over 170,000 hospital admissions for patients who had just suffered a health event requiring “nondiscretionary” hospital admission. The patients also fit some basic criteria, such as not having previously been admitted recently for the same condition.

In addition to analyzing 30-day readmission and mortality rates, the researchers looked at patient satisfaction levels. All these criteria, and more, are commonly used in hospital assessments.

The researchers also found a 37 percent difference in one-year mortality, among highly-rated and lower-rated hospitals.

“I thought our results were reasonable,” says Doyle . “They’re not too big to be believed, but they suggest a substantial improvement in health if you go to a hospital where the quality scores are much higher.”

As the authors note in the paper, the subject is topical in the health policy world. Some lawmakers and experts want the hospital payment system to evolve in the direction of reimbursement for quality and oucomes, rather than treatment. As such, it is important to be able to tell if those quality measures are sturdy. 

“There’s been a lot of interest in whether these quality measures are informative or not, because there is a shift away from paying for the quantity of care provided to the quality of care provided,” Doyle says. “Most of the policymakers I’ve talked to want to use these quality measures.”

Management matters

Further research will be needed to help illuminate issues surrounding hospital quality in further depth. For instance, the current study is more focused on emergency care and not on care for chronic conditions; Doyle says that analysis of chronic care is “a fascinating question” that merits further investigation.

Doyle also acknowledges the need for further study to explain why certain hospitals fare better than others on basic quality measures. He notes that some were historically quicker than others to adopt what are now almost universal practices — the allotment of blood-thinning drugs to heart patients, for instance — and suggests the rate of adoption of new practices is an important factor in this area.

“Coming from a management school, we see that a lot of the variation in outcomes stems in large part from differences in management,” Doyle says. “Do you have the right procedures in places so that it’s easy for providers to do what the guidelines suggest? Improving management could yield big improvements in patient health.”

The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health.

from MIT News

Journalist Gwen Ifill Honored with USPS Forever Stamp

Gwen Ifill stamp

On Thursday, the trailblazing journalist Gwen Ifill was honored with a commemorative Forever stamp.

“These miniature works of art offer something for everyone interested in American history and culture,” said U.S. Postal Service Stamp Services Acting Executive Director William Gicker. “From notable figures such as golf legend Arnold Palmer and esteemed journalist Gwen Ifill to the cultural phenomenon of hip-hop to a celebration of the great outdoors, this program is wide-ranging and adds to the history of our great nation as recorded through the U.S. stamp program.”

As posted on the United States Postal Service website, the 43rd stamp in the Black Heritage series honors Gwen Ifill (1955–2016), one of America’s most esteemed journalists. The stamp features a photo of Ifill taken in 2008 by photographer Robert Severi. Among the first African Americans to hold prominent positions in both broadcast and print journalism, Ifill was a trailblazer in the profession. Art director Derry Noyes designed the stamp.

Also being honored with Forever Stamps are:

Voices of the Harlem Renaissance
These stamps celebrate one of the great artistic and literary movements in American history, the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, which firmly established African Americans as a vital force in literature and the arts. Twenty stamps showcase four stylized pastel portraits of these literary figures: writer, philosopher, educator, and arts advocate Alain Locke; novelist Nella Larsen; bibliophile and historian Arturo Alfonso Schomburg; and poet Anne Spencer. African-inspired motifs are used as background elements of each portrait. The pane header shows a cityscape in silhouette with a sun in its midst and the title “Voices of the Harlem Renaissance.” The artist for these stamps was Gary Kelley. Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps.

The Postal Service celebrates hip-hop with four new stamps in a pane of 20. Since its inception more than four decades ago, the electrifying music, dance, and art movement has profoundly influenced American and global popular culture. The stamp art features photographs taken by Cade Martin that depict four elements of hip-hop: MCing (rapping), b-boying (breakdancing), DJing, and graffiti art. The bold, digitally tinted images are intended to appear in motion. The words “Forever” and “USA,” “Hip Hop,” and the name of the element featured appear across the top of each stamp. Art director Antonio Alcalá designed the stamps, which are highlighted with a vivid yellow, green, red and black color scheme. The title of the stamps, printed in red and black, is centered on the top of the pane.


19th Amendment: Women Vote
With this stamp, the Postal Service commemorates the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees women the right to vote. Inspired by historic photographs, the stamp features a stylized illustration of suffragists marching in a parade or other public demonstration. The clothes they wear and the banners they bear display the official colors of the National Woman’s Party — purple, white and gold. Art director Ethel Kessler designed the stamp with original art by Nancy Stahl.


from Black Enterprise

The DOJ Is Finally Suing US Telecom Providers for Robocalls

The defendants have allegedly connected hundreds of millions of fraudulent robocalls to US residents.

from Wired

Medicare Part D | All You Need to Know About its Coverage

Medicare Part D are often called Prescription Drug plans.

A Brief Overview of Medicare 

Medicare is the federal health care insurance program primarily for those of retirement age. The program was signed into law in 1965 and today covers over 60 million Americans. Medicare is divided into four parts—Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. In this article we will cover information about Medicare Part D. 

What is Medicare Part D?

Medicare Part D, also known as Medicare prescription drug coverage, is an optional program to help you cover the cost of prescription drugs. The Medicare prescription drug plan (PDP) was officially enacted in 2003 under the Medicare Modernization Act and went into effect on January 1, 2006. Under this act, Medicare Part D provided prescription drug coverage through private companies to Medicare beneficiaries.

What Does Medicare Part D Coverage Entail?

There are a variety of plans to choose from under Medicare D. Each plan offering has their own list of covered drugs. This list of drugs is called a formulary. A formulary includes both brand-name prescription drugs and generic drugs. All plans must cover at least two drugs per drug category. 

Using the drugs listed on the plan will save you money because the insurance coverage provider negotiated a lower price. If you choose a drug not listed on your plan you will have to pay full price for the drug instead of a copayment or coinsurance. Generally if your specific drug is not listed on the plan, there will be a comparable alternative available through your coverage. You can also apply for a formulary exception to have your drug approved through your insurance provider.

Each plan’s formulary will list drugs under different tiers. The higher the tier, the more expensive the drug will be to you. A breakdown of Medicare Part D’s cost structure is listed below under copay tiers.

What are the Costs of Medicare Part D Plans?

Medicare will cover a portion of your prescription drug costs. The costs that you cover for prescription drugs is considered your out-of-pocket costs. Your out-of-pocket costs will depend on the following factors:

  • The drugs you use
  • The plan you choose
  • Whether you go to a pharmacy in your plan’s network
  • Whether the drugs you use are on your plan’s formulary  
  • Whether you get Extra Help paying your Medicare Part D costs

Extra Help is an assistance program to help cover some of the Medicare costs. To qualify for Extra Help, a person must be receiving Medicare, have limited resources and income, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.

The following are the payments associated with Medicare Part D plans: 

Premium: Your monthly premium will depend on the area in which you live and the plan you choose. When reviewing your premium cost be sure to weigh it against the overall cost per year and the cost of the drugs you take. In other words, a lower monthly premium may or may not be the best choice for you if the other payments are much higher. Weigh all of the options before making a decision. 

Deductible: The deductible is the amount of money you must pay out of pocket before Medicare will cover costs. For example, a $300 deductible means that you will need to pay $300 before your insurance plan covers the remaining costs. A lower deductible may be a good option, however you should also compare the premium and other costs to ensure that it is the best financial fit for your situation.

Copay: A copay is a fixed dollar amount for your prescriptions. For example, you may have to pay $10 for a generic drug and Medicare will cost the remainder of the costs. 

Copay tiers: Each Medicare Part D plan places drugs in different tiers. These tiers determine how much your copay amount will be for each drug. The lower the tier, the lower the cost will be to you. Generic drugs are typically labeled as Tier 1 drugs.

Tier Type Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Drug Type Preferred Generic Drugs Non-PreferredGeneric Drugs Preferred Generic and Brand Name Drugs Non-Preferred Generic and Brand Name Drugs Specialty Drugs
Copay Cost $ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$

Coinsurance: Coinsurance is the percentage of the prescription cost that you are responsible for covering. Typically plans require coinsurance for drugs in higher tiers.  

Coverage gaps: With Medicare, there is a threshold where the insurance coverage no longer covers the costs of drugs and you are required to pay out of pocket. The point where Medicare Part D stops paying is called the “donut hole.” The cost between the donut hole and catastrophic coverage is known as the coverage gap, and a percentage of it will need to be covered by you. This year, it is expected that you will not have to pay more than 25% for covered brand-name and generic drugs during the gap. In previous years, the percentage you had to cover was much higher. Now the insurance companies will be responsible for more of the cost.

Catastrophic coverage: In 2020, catastrophic coverage will kick in when your out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs reaches $6,350. This is an increase from 2019 when the dollar amount was set at $5,100. At this dollar amount, Medicare will cover the majority of the remaining cost of the drugs. The amount you will be responsible for will be under 5%.

Late enrollment penalty: The late enrollment penalty is an amount added to your monthly premium. You may owe this amount if, for any continuous period of 63 days or more after your Initial Enrollment Period is over, you go without one of the following:

  • A Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D)
  • A Medicare Advantage plan (Part C) 
  • Creditable prescription drug coverage

Should You Consider Medicare Part D?

You may wish to enroll in a Medicare Part D plan if:

  • You use prescription drugs on a regular basis
  • You think you may need prescription drugs in the future
  • You do not have prescription drug coverage
  • You are worried about increasing prescription drug costs
  • You are having trouble paying for your prescription drugs

How To Enroll In Medicare Part D

In order to enroll, you must be eligible for Medicare. You are eligible for Medicare if you meet one of the following qualifications:

  • You are age 65 or older
  • You have a qualifying disability for which you have been receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for more than 24 months
  • You have been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease
  • You are entitled to Medicare Part A and/or enrolled in Medicare Part B

The Initial Enrollment Period is a seven-month timeframe that begins three months before the month you turn 65 and ends three months afterward. During this period you can enroll into Medicare Part D. If you miss the initial enrollment period then you can sign up during the general enrollment period which runs every year from January 1-March 31.

Once you are eligible, the first step to enrolling is to review the private plan offers available in your location. You can call 1-800-MEDICARE or visit the Medicare’s Plan Finder tool on to compare plans and enroll. To learn about Medicare Advantage, Supplement, and Prescription Drug plans, request a free quote.

from Black Enterprise

Africa's week in pictures: 24-30 January 2020

A selection of the best photos from across the continent this week.

from BBC News - Africa

Researchers discover a new way to control infrared light

In the 1950s, the field of electronics began to change when the transistor replaced vacuum tubes in computers. The change, which entailed replacing large and slow components with small and fast ones, was a catalyst for the enduring trend of miniaturization in computer design. No such revolution has yet hit the field of infrared optics, which remains reliant on bulky moving parts that preclude building small systems.

However, a team of researchers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, together with Professor Juejun Hu and graduate students from MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering, is devising a way to control infrared light by using phase-change materials instead of moving parts. These materials have the ability to change their optical properties when energy is added to them.

“There are multiple possible ways where this material can enable new photonic devices that impact people’s lives,” says Hu. “For example, it can be useful for energy-efficient optical switches, which can improve network speed and reduce power consumption of internet data centers. It can enable reconfigurable meta-optical devices, such as compact, flat infrared zoom lenses without mechanical moving parts. It can also lead to new computing systems, which can make machine learning faster and more power-efficient compared to current solutions.”

A fundamental property of phase-change materials is that they can change how fast light travels through them (the refractive index). “There are already ways to modulate light using a refractive index change, but phase-change materials can change almost 1,000 times better,” says Jeffrey Chou, a team member formerly in the laboratory's Advanced Materials and Microsystems Group.

The team successfully controlled infrared light in multiple systems by using a new class of phase-change material containing the elements germanium, antimony, selenium, and tellurium, collectively known as GSST. This work is discussed in a paper published in Nature Communications.

A phase-change material's magic occurs in the chemical bonds that tie its atoms together. In one phase state, the material is crystalline, with its atoms arranged in an organized pattern. This state can be changed by applying a short, high-temperature spike of thermal energy to the material, causing the bonds in the crystal to break down and then reform in a more random, or amorphous, pattern. To change the material back to the crystalline state, a long- and medium-temperature pulse of thermal energy is applied.

“This changing of the chemical bonds allows for different optical properties to emerge, similar to the differences between coal (amorphous) and diamond (crystalline),” says Christopher Roberts, another Lincoln Laboratory member of the research team. “While both materials are mostly carbon, they have vastly different optical properties.”

Currently, phase-change materials are used for industry applications, such as Blu-ray technology and rewritable DVDs, because their properties are useful for storing and erasing a large amount of information. But so far, no one has used them in infrared optics because they tend to be transparent in one state and opaque in the other. (Think of the diamond, which light can pass through, and coal, which light cannot penetrate.) If light cannot pass through one of the states, then that light cannot be adequately controlled for a range of uses; instead, a system would only be able to work like an on/off switch, allowing light to either pass through the material or not pass through at all.

However, the research team found that that by adding the element selenium to the original material (called GST), the material's absorption of infrared light in the crystalline phase decreased dramatically — in essence, changing it from an opaque coal-like material to a more transparent diamond-like one. What's more, the large difference in the refractive index of the two states affects the propagation of light through them.

“This change in refractive index, without introducing optical loss, allows for the design of devices that control infrared light without the need for mechanical parts,” Roberts says.

As an example, imagine a laser beam that is pointing in one direction and needs to be changed to another. In current systems, a large mechanical gimbal would physically move a lens to steer the beam to another position. A thin-film lens made of GSST would be able change positions by electrically reprogramming the phase-change materials, enabling beam steering with no moving parts.

The team has already tested the material successfully in a moving lens. They have also demonstrated its use in infrared hyperspectral imaging, which is used to analyze images for hidden objects or information, and in a fast optical shutter that was able to close in nanoseconds.

The potential uses for GSST are vast, and an ultimate goal for the team is to design reconfigurable optical chips, lenses, and filters, which currently must be rebuilt from scratch each time a change is required. Once the team is ready to move the material beyond the research phase, it should be fairly easy to transition it into the commercial space. Because it's already compatible with standard microelectronic fabrication processes, GSST components could be made at a low cost and in large numbers.

Recently, the laboratory obtained a combinatorial sputtering chamber — a state-of-the-art machine that allows researchers to create custom materials out of individual elements. The team will use this chamber to further optimize the materials for improved reliability and switching speeds, as well as for low-power applications. They also plan to experiment with other materials that may prove useful in controlling visible light.

The next steps for the team are to look closely into real-world applications of GSST and understand what those systems need in terms of power, size, switching speed, and optical contrast.

“The impact [of this research] is twofold,” Hu says. "Phase-change materials offer a dramatically enhanced refractive index change compared to other physical effects — induced by electric field or temperature change, for instance — thereby enabling extremely compact reprogrammable optical devices and circuits. Our demonstration of bistate optical transparency in these materials is also significant in that we can now create high-performance infrared components with minimal optical loss.” The new material, Hu continues, is expected to open up an entirely new design space in the field of infrared optics.

This research was supported with funding from the laboratory's Technology Office and the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

from MIT News

Lil Nas X responds in hilarious fashion to Pastor Troy’s homophobic tweet

Pastor Troy of the rap group “Down South Georgia Boys” came for Lil Nas X and gay people on Twitter and the cowboy rapper’s fans quickly collected him.

READ MORE: Lil Nas X shares 2 identical (and inspiring) videos of him one year apart

“Welp, Guess I won’t be winning a GRAMMY…If this what I gotta wear,” he tweeted, referring to the ‘Old Town Road” singer’s pink Grammy outfit. “They love to push this sh– on our kids!!”

He continued his homophobic rant, telling his followers that he and his son had recently seen a gay couple “kissing and laughing eating mozzarella sticks” at Applebee’s and his son made him proud with his response “First Thing My 14 yr old Son said was, ‘F**** Applebee’s’ And It Brought Joy to My Heart!!” Pastor Troy wrote. “He sees it…their agenda to take the masculinity from Men, Black Men Especially. Some may say, ‘He Making Money!!’ Rupaul do too, but I ain’t bumping his CD!!! Integrity is Priceless. Y’all Better open that 3rd Eye and let your Sons Know What Is Real…Or They Ass Gone Be Headed Down That Old Town Road Foreal!!”

Lil Nas X seemed to brush the comment off his shoulders in hilarious fashion. “Damn I look good in that pic on god,” X wrote.

The country rapper’s fans also read Pastor Troy for his remarks.

“I question your parenting skills and your intelligence. #simplemind P.S. You’ll never have a #Grammy because you nor your music deserve one,” wrote TheTwistedLeo.

“What is real is homophobic punks like you create a world where young lgbtq commit suicide at higher rates or go to the streets … pastor? Stop with that name cuz you preach GARBAGE & HATE.. I feel bad for your son,” tweeted DEADLEE.

READ MORE: Lil Nas X becomes 1st openly gay Black man on Forbes ‘Highest-Paid Country Acts’ list

“You won’t be winning a Grammy because your music career is nonexistent,” tweeted _tylerwyatt.

Who knew wearing pink, eating mozzarella sticks and being happy could incite such hate.

The post Lil Nas X responds in hilarious fashion to Pastor Troy’s homophobic tweet appeared first on TheGrio.

from TheGrio

R. Kelly’s ex-girlfriend claims the singer has “hundreds of victims” in cities across America

Embattled R&B singer R. Kelly has hundreds of victims across America, but he allegedly filmed them engaging in acts of child pornography and blackmailed them into remaining silent, according to his one-time girlfriend.

READ MORE: R. Kelly’s live-in girlfriends get into apparent brawl on video, police called to his condo

In an exclusive interview with The U.S. Sun, Azriel Clary alleges that Kelly filmed women sexually molesting children or performing other sexual acts and held it over their heads as his assurance that they would not report him to authorities. His rationale was if they implicate him, they’d also implicate themselves.

“I think that there’s hundreds of victims out there. Robert has his live-in girlfriends; he has girlfriends in every city. He has flings in every city. There’s usually three main cities in every state. So, three times 50 —that lets you know how many women are probably out there and that’s probably not even hitting it on the nail,” Clary, 22, told The U.S. Sun. “For the most part, he blackmails everyone. He makes everyone do very degrading stuff, whether on film or writing it down, he makes them sign it. And I think a lot of women are ashamed or embarrassed to come out because of stuff like that because it’ll be incriminating them —there’s so much stuff.”

“He has letters from people saying that they’ve been molested or touched by their parents or their brothers or a family member,” Clary added. “He even has people on film molesting their younger nieces or younger brothers. And so, I know a lot of women out there are too embarrassed, humiliated, and ashamed to come out because this man had that much power to control them, to make them molest their younger niece or to molest their younger brother. Personally, had I ever done anything like that, I would be entirely too ashamed to come forward. Thankfully, I’ve never been in that situation. But have I seen it done to other women? Yes, I have.”

Kelly has been in prison since last year. He faces numerous sexual assault charges as well as federal child pornography and racketeering charges.

Steve Greenberg, a lawyer for R. Kelly, said Azriel’s allegations are not only false but that they contradict many earlier statements from her.

“We are surprised to learn that Ms. Clary is now making these allegations. Restricted by the protective orders the prosecution requested, we are not able to litigate these matters in the press. However, the information provided is directly contrary to facts that have been brought forward by Ms. Clary in the past,” Greenberg said to The U.S. Sun. “The facts she is now reciting are directly contrary to her numerous other accounts, as well as —in certain instances— what we expect to be the documentary proof from sources not involved in any of the pending cases. In sum, Ms. Clary had a long-term consensual relationship with Mr. Kelly. It continued after he was arrested when she was free to do as she wished. It is clear that she now seeks to benefit from their relationship. The allegations are not true.”

“Still, Mr. Kelly bears only goodwill towards Ms. Clary,” Greenberg added.

Clary also accused Kelly of verbally, physically and emotionally abusing her. She said she met him at a concert when she was 17 and that she quickly became one of his live-in girlfriends.

READ MORE: Witnesses reveal R. Kelly only married Aaliyah to avoid prosecution, feds say

She recalled one incident in which she said Kelly got enraged with her and beat her with his size 12 shoe for hours while she was naked. Her offense? Clary alleges, he beat her for talking on the phone to high school friends.

“I was talking to my friends from high school and he didn’t like that I was still talking to them …he thought that I was keeping things from him,” Clary told The U.S. Sun. “I was just in communication with two of my girlfriends and he made me text them a very long lie, basically saying why I no longer wanted to be friends with them. And then he beat me with a shoe —a size 12, Nike Air Force One shoe. And he beat me all over, it felt like hours and I was covered in welts all the way from my neck down.”

She said Kelly had another girl bathe her afterwards.

The post R. Kelly’s ex-girlfriend claims the singer has “hundreds of victims” in cities across America appeared first on TheGrio.

from TheGrio

Success Kid's Mom Won't Stand for Steve King's 'Meme' Ad

Laney Griner, the mother behind the meme, sent the Iowa congressperson a cease-and-desist.

from Wired

Master P Talks About The Money Lessons and Weekly Bible Studies He Shares With His Kids in “Daddy Duty 365” Podcast

master p

Hip-hop mogul Percy “Master P” Miller learned the value of entrepreneurship and hard work at an early age. In fact, he developed dreams of becoming a successful businessman–and the hustle to achieve them–when he was a young child sleeping on the floor of a three-bedroom apartment that he shared with 15 family members in the Calliope Projects, located in New Orleans’ Third Ward.

“I never said I was broke…I always said that I’m waiting on the check,” the rapper told BLACK ENTERPRISE in an exclusive interview last year. “When I was on that floor in the projects, I would say, ‘This floor is going to turn into [a] marble floor.’” He added that his entrepreneurial journey began at 6 years old when he would help the elderly carry their groceries and cut grass in exchange for a few dollars.

In the ’90s, he used $100,000 that he inherited from his late grandfather to launch No Limit Records label. The rapper and businessman then took the music industry by storm when he turned down a million-dollar deal to sell the record label, which ultimately became a multi-faceted empire and a testament to his business acumen.

Today, as a serial entrepreneur who reportedly boasts a $200 million net worth, the hip-hop veteran says he is keen on building generational wealth by instilling his values in his seven children. During an interview on “Daddy Duty 365,” a new podcast that explores fatherhood with celebrity dads, Miller opened up about the money lessons he shared with his children, who range from 12 to 30 years old and include rapper and actor, Romeo Miller. However, above all things, the businessman stressed the importance of building a foundation on faith and family.

“You have to teach them economics and banking at a young age,” said Miller about his children. “Don’t just be great entertainers and athletes. Understand economics and put your faith and trust in God.”

Rather than just giving his children an inheritance of wealth, Miller says he made them work for what they wanted and encouraged them to pursue their own passions. “I teach them integrity and I teach them how to be hungry,” he said. “If you want to be successful, it’s not about what I’ve done, it’s going to be about what you do with your career.”

The businessman added that empowering children of color to be financial literate and responsible is also important when it comes to closing the racial wealth gap between black and white families. “We are behind. These other cultures and races, they come from descendants of money. We just got into being able to build wealth. So if we are going to build generational wealth, [kids] need to be programmed,” he said.

At another point during the interview, the family man revealed that Bible study is the activity he enjoys doing the most with his kin. “We do Bible studies every Sunday,” he said about the tradition they started 20 years ago. “We talk about everything. We talk about life. So, Bible study is not just about reading the Bible.” The rap mogul also credited the one-hour weekly practice for keeping his family humble. “You have all of this stuff, but you can lose it one day.”

In addition to being rooted in his faith and family, Miller is stern about his children’s education. “I want my kids to be more than just athletes and entertainers,” he said. “That’s why I am more hard on them about their education because that’s going to take them a longer way in life.” Anything below a grade letter “C,” and he takes away their video games and other distractions so that they can focus, he said.

Launched on January 8, “Daddy Duty 365” is hosted by Emmy Award-winning TV show host and former BLACK ENTERPRISE correspondent Shannon LaNier. Topics include daddy dinners made easy, dads doing hair, breastfeeding from a dad’s perspective, and raising children with special needs.

“People need to know there are a lot of amazing and active dads present in their kids’ lives and this podcast shines a light on them while inspiring other fathers to play a more active role and navigate troubled waters and uncharted territory,” said LaNier, a father of three, in a statement.

In addition to Miller, actor Omari Hardwick, Pretty Ricky singer and entrepreneur Spectacular, and iconic singer Sting have appeared on the podcast.

“Daddy Duty 365” is available on all podcast platforms. You can follow LaNier and his daddy duty shenanigans on Instagram at @MrShannaLaNier.

Listen to Master P’s interview on “Daddy Duty 365” here or watch it below.

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WATCH: Offset detained by police in Los Angeles after report of gun possession

Offset spent some time with the LAPD on Wednesday evening after he was detained at the popular shopping center The Grove. 

According to reports, the rapper who is married to Cardi B was searched by police inside a parking structure at the posh shopping center after someone reported seeing someone carrying a gun. 

Cardi B gives hubby Offset a half mil in cash stashed inside a refrigerator

Several members of Offset’s entourage were also detained and videos show the police searching a Bentley truck in the background. At one point, Offset can be seen in a bright yellow sweatshirt asking officers why he’s in handcuffs before being pushed up against the wall. 

Police sources reportedly told TMZ they recovered two guns at the scene and brought Offset and two of his associates in for questioning, but no arrests have been made. 

Several bystanders took videos of the Migos frontman being detained and posted footage on social media. 

Offset facing felony gun charge stemming from 2018 arrest

Check it out: 

This isn’t the first time the rapper born Kiari Kendrell Cephus, has had run-ins with the law. In 2018, he was pulled over during a traffic stop over his tinted windows and arrested on a felony charge for firearms possession by a convicted felon and misdemeanor charges of marijuana possession and a lane change.


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Beyonce shares tribute to Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna: “You are deeply missed”

The world is still reeling from the tragic death of NBA icon Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna Bryant. The superstar died after his helicopter crashed in Calabasas on Sunday, claiming the lives of all nine people on board. 

While several celebrities expressed their grief and celebrated his life during the Grammy Awards at the Staples Center that night, Beyonce has been quiet about the tragedy until now. 

Beyonce took to social media on Wednesday evening to share her condolences and posted three photographs along with a heartfelt message. 

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The first photo shows Kobe Bryant as a child and the second is a snapshot of a smiling Gigi posing in front of flowers.

The third photo features Kobe Bryant kissing his adorable daughter at a basketball game and was posted with the caption: “I will continue to diligently pray for your Queens. You are deeply missed beloved Kobe.” 


Some people may have forgotten that the legendary basketball player who turned to content creation after he retired also had a short-lived rap career. 

He was featured on the remix of Destiny’s Child hit “Say My Name” and appeared in their music video for “Bug A Boo” in 1999.

In 2009, Beyonce sang his praises during an interview after she was asked which NBA player she most admired. 

“I can always see that he’s focused, he works harder than I could ever imagine…it’s just like he’s just in the zone,” she said at the time. “He’s undeniable as far as his talent.” 

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SUNDANCE 2020: Nicole Beharie shines in ‘Miss Juneteenth’

When Sundance announced the flicks that would be showing at this year’s film festival, Miss Juneteenth was a title that instantly peaked our interests. Now that we’ve seen the beautiful film starring Nicole Beharie and Kendrick Sampson we can’t say enough good things about it. 

In her directorial debut, Channing Godfrey Peoples created an understated masterpiece that highlights the sacrifices a mother will make to keep her child from repeating her mistakes as well as the lengths children will go to please their parents. 

Check out the official synopsis: 

Turquoise Jones is a single mom who holds down a household, a rebellious teenager, and pretty much everything that goes down at Wayman’s BBQ & Lounge. Turquoise is also a bona fide beauty queen—she was once crowned Miss Juneteenth, a title commemorating the day slaves in Texas were freed – two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Life didn’t turn out as beautifully as the title promised, but Turquoise, determined to right her wrongs, is cultivating her daughter, Kai, to become Miss Juneteenth, even if Kai wants something else.

Nicole Beharie is simply mesmerizing as Turquoise Jones, a former beauty queen who should have had the world at her feet when she won the coveted title of Miss Juneteenth and earned herself a full scholarship to any HBCU of her choosing. 

We quickly learn that despite the win, she didn’t make it to college, but instead became a young mother to a now 15-year-old girl, Tai. She’s separated from her husband, Ronnie (Kendrick Sampson) who seems like a well-intentioned screw up who constantly puts himself before his family. What’s most interesting is the dynamic between this estranged couple, still clearly in love with each other but unable to make it work in a real way. Turquoise seems to maintain a hope that her husband will change his ways and be the man she needs him to be, but in the meantime, she’s providing for her daughter on her own and making sure she doesn’t repeat her mistakes. 

That means she has to win the Miss Juneteenth pageant at all costs and we see Turquoise making tough sacrifices to ensure that happens. Tai couldn’t care less about the competition or its prize but that doesn’t stop her from appeasing her mother’s requests. 

This beautiful film offers Nicole Beharie a chance to show off her range and it is wide. She has the uncanny ability to convey her sentiments without even speaking. The expressions on her delicate face morph into nearly every Black mother’s I’ve ever met in an instant.

The slow-moving film is an ideal vehicle to show off these talents and the end result is truly beautiful. Sadly, we’ll have to wait and see if any studios will buy into this understated but gorgeous tale of a woman coming to terms with her past and embracing her future despite the circumstances. There’s no huge plot twist, no dramatic event, no huge surprises, Instead, it’s a slice of life film that so many mothers and daughters will relate to if they ever get to see it. 

The post SUNDANCE 2020: Nicole Beharie shines in ‘Miss Juneteenth’ appeared first on TheGrio.

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