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Monday, October 2, 2023

Ethical Dilemmas in Government Tech Projects

 In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, ethical considerations often play second fiddle to innovation and functionality—especially in government projects where national security is at stake. Drawing from my own experiences in this sensitive sphere, I'm about to unpack why ethics should never be sidelined and how we can navigate the murky waters of ethical dilemmas.

The term "ethical dilemmas" in government tech projects conjures a range of emotions—curiosity, apprehension, or even a sense of urgency. It’s like standing at the intersection of Innovation Avenue and Ethical Road, and the traffic light is forever yellow—proceed with caution, but never stop. You might think ethics would be a cornerstone, firmly set in the foundation of any government tech venture. Surprisingly, the urgency to deploy solutions often casts a shadow over ethical considerations.

Have you ever found yourself in a morning briefing, sipping your coffee, and listening to project updates that made you question the ethical ramifications of what you're working on? Make that moment your daily reminder. Let the first sip of your morning brew be the pause you take to ponder the ethical dimensions of your work. Ethics need to be a daily habit, ingrained in the routine of tech professionals. It's not just a checkbox; it's the compass that should guide every decision we make.

Let’s consider the awe-inspiring power of artificial intelligence, an innovation that has revolutionized how we handle data, make decisions, and predict outcomes. Its application in government tech projects is like wielding a double-edged sword. On one side, we have unprecedented capabilities for analytics and automation. On the flip side, there's the potential for mass surveillance, data breaches, and infringements on civil liberties. The excitement of groundbreaking technology often blinds us to its potential pitfalls. But we should channel that excitement toward creating a framework that guides ethical implementation.

Imagine working late one night on a project that could potentially change the dynamics of national security. Your eyes are weary, but the realization of what your code could achieve gives you an adrenaline rush. Then it hits you: "Is this ethical? Should I be doing this?" This narrative isn't a scene from a tech thriller but a real-life scenario that many of us face. It underlines the essence of our blog title—the constant tension between innovation and ethics. It's not just about what we can do; it’s about what we should do.

Diversity in Tech: Challenges and Opportunities

 If the tech industry were a pizza, it'd be that multi-topping extravaganza you debate ordering at 2 a.m. A myriad of components, each vital, yet the whole thing doesn't quite meld. Let's talk about one of those critical toppings: diversity, or the lack thereof. Buckle up; we're diving deep into the sauce.

Feature Article:

Article Title: Diversity in Tech: The Unseen Hurdle and the Untapped Goldmine

Picture this: You walk into a tech company's headquarters. The space is buzzing with innovation, open-floor plans, and an abundance of succulents. But there's something odd. The room is as diverse as a bowl of plain oatmeal. Diversity in tech isn't just a moral imperative or a "nice-to-have." It's an untapped goldmine of potential, rife with both opportunities and challenges. Let's zoom into that picture, shall we?

Firstly, what's the big deal about diversity? Well, imagine cooking a stew and only using potatoes. Sure, you'll get something edible, but will it be as good as a stew with various ingredients? The same goes for tech; diverse teams are more creative, solve problems faster, and are even more profitable.

Now, the daily routine. How many of us have undergone "diversity training" that's about as exciting as watching paint dry? Instead, make it a habit to question your biases daily. Every morning, as you brush your teeth, think about an unconscious bias you hold and challenge it. Simple, right? But imagine the ripple effect.

Ah, the excitement! Remember the last time you solved a complex problem at work? That "Eureka!" moment? Multiply that by ten—that's the level of excitement you get when diverse minds collaborate to crack a code or develop a product.

Quick Tips or FAQs:

Section Title: Quick Fixes for Big Biases

  1. Check Your Circle: Look at your professional network. If it's monochromatic, diversify it.
  2. Be the Change: Advocate for diversity in your workplace. Don't wait for HR.
  3. Question the Norm: Why is your team lacking diversity? Is it the hiring process? The culture?


The Dalio Dimension: Diversity as a Principle

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, has long been a proponent of "radical transparency." His principles extend to fostering a diverse work environment that, according to him, catalyzes the "idea meritocracy" he so ardently advocates. In his words, "Diverse perspectives lead to better decision-making." The man might be onto something.

Upcoming Trends or News:

Horizon Scan: Diversity in Tech 2024

Look out for a surge in AI-driven diversity training programs aiming to revolutionize the way companies approach inclusion. Also, the push for neurodiversity is gaining momentum, promising to make tech spaces more inclusive for individuals with neurological differences.

Reader's Corner:

Your Take: Real Stories, Real Impact

One of our readers, Jasmine, shared a heartwarming story of how her tech company started a mentorship program for young women in STEM, which not only diversified their talent pool but also invigorated their work culture.

The Job Hunt: Tailoring Your Resume for Success in a New Land

In a world where first impressions are often made in mere seconds, your resume serves as your handshake, your elevator pitch, and your character testimony all rolled into one. But what happens when that resume is crossing borders, cultures, or even oceans? Let's talk about tailoring your resume for success in a new land, especially if you're navigating the intricate tapestry of being a Black immigrant.

The Job Hunt: Tailoring Your Resume for Success in a New Land

Ah, the resume—a single sheet of paper that somehow needs to encapsulate your entire professional life. It's like trying to cram the entire works of Shakespeare into a tweet. But when you're an immigrant, the stakes are even higher. Your resume isn't just a list of jobs and skills; it's a narrative of your journey, your struggles, and your unique value proposition.

Let's get real: you've got about six seconds to make an impression. That's less time than it takes to tie your shoes or brew a cup of coffee. Now, imagine you’re doing this in a new country where cultural norms can be as confusing as a Rubik's Cube. An "A" for effort won't cut it. You need to hit a home run on the first swing.

Here's a habit to get into—dedicate 30 minutes every week to updating your resume. Whether you learned a new skill, finished a project, or even read a relevant book, make it a point to reflect that. Think of it as "Me Time," only this time it's all about celebrating your professional wins.

There's a moment of sheer excitement when you see a job listing that feels like it was made just for you. It's like finding your soulmate on a dating app, except instead of a lifetime of happiness, you get dental benefits and a 401(k). That awe can serve as fuel. Use that energy to tailor your resume so precisely that the hiring manager thinks it’s a love letter written just for them.

The hero's journey isn't reserved for epic poems and blockbuster movies. Your resume tells a story, too. It speaks of the mountains you've climbed, the dragons you've slain (or at least, the spreadsheets you've conquered), and the kingdoms you've served. When crafting that story, keep your audience in mind. You're not just listing skills; you're telling a tale of adaptability, resilience, and growth, especially as a Black immigrant bringing a wealth of diverse experiences.

Quick Resume Hacks You Can't Ignore

  1. Quantify Achievements: Numbers speak louder than words. Did you increase sales? By how much?
  2. Localize Language: Use industry jargon that's specific to your new country.
  3. Highlight Soft Skills: Communication, adaptability, and teamwork are universally valued.

Upcoming Trends: Remote Work & The Global Talent Pool

The pandemic has shattered the geographical barriers to employment. Companies are now more open than ever to hiring talent from around the world. For immigrants, this is a golden opportunity to shine without the shadow of relocation hanging over you.

Reader's Corner: "How Do I Address Gaps in My Resume?"

Ah, the dreaded employment gap. First, breathe. An employment gap isn't a career death sentence. Use that space to show what you did to upskill, volunteer, or address personal needs. Remember, you're more than just the sum of your job experiences.

Bushido and Chivalry: Codes of Honor and Their Impact on Family Life

 In today's world, where families are a blend of cultures and belief systems, understanding the global nuances of domestic life is imperative. This exploration takes you on a journey through time, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries. We delve into the ancient and yet ever-relevant codes of Bushido and Chivalry, dissecting how these ethical systems have sculpted family life in strikingly parallel ways.

The concept of honor transcends the borders of any single nation. Whether in the samurai traditions of Japan or the knightly duties of medieval Europe, the family unit often forms the nucleus of this honor. To talk about codes of ethics like Bushido or Chivalry is to also engage with the dualities of human life—the struggle between the individual and the community, between duty and freedom. W.E.B. Du Bois eloquently spoke of such dualities in the context of Black American life. Likewise, here, we find that the dualities of duty and personal ambition also manifest in the codes that have governed Japanese and European households for centuries.

"He who does not honor the small will not honor the great," says an African proverb. This captures the essence of how honor codes, from Bushido to Chivalry, operated in family settings. Both systems emphasized virtues such as courage, integrity, and humility, virtues that are universally lauded. Whether in the African savannah or the icy slopes of Eastern Europe, these virtues are embedded in the social fabric, ingrained in the upbringing of young souls worldwide.

Imagine a young child, in medieval England or feudal Japan, looking up to a father figure—whether a knight or a samurai—shining boots or sharpening a sword. This daily act of preparation becomes a routine yet profound illustration of duty, creating an indelible mark on the child's character. It's the type of life lesson that stays with you, like the smell of your grandmother's cooking or the sound of your mother's lullabies—universal in its impact.

There's something awe-inspiring, yet amusing, about how different cultures interpret the same values. It's a joke the universe plays on us—whatever our color, creed, or social status, we're not that different after all. The humor in recognizing our shared human condition—the "I get it" moment—is a revelation. It resonates on a frequency that breaks through cultural static, reminding us that when it comes to family, love, and honor, we're all singing the same tune.

In essence, the eternal codes of Bushido and Chivalry serve as two different lenses focusing on the same human experience. They are contrasting yet harmonious melodies in a global symphony of ethical traditions. They tell us a story—a story that echoes in the hushed conversations between parent and child in every corner of the world, from the streets of Tokyo to the alleyways of Prague to the open landscapes of the African continent.

Time's Gift and Society's Curse: The AI Information Gap

 In a recent contemplation of our ever-lengthening days and the digital data that nourishes our artificial intelligence, I found myself at a crossroads. The ties between the celestial dance of the moon, the gatekeeping of knowledge by esteemed institutions, and the implications for our AI-driven future were not just intellectually stimulating but also profoundly urgent. With humanity at such a unique intersection, it's time to delve into these entangled narratives.

Ah, the days are stretching, my friends, not because the Earth suddenly took a yoga class but due to the moon inching away from us. It's a cosmic gift from the universe—extra minutes each day, and what are we doing with them? You'd think we'd be stuffing ourselves with wisdom from quality sources, but alas, the gatekeepers of this knowledge have other plans. Institutions like Reuters and Nature have decided to bar AI crawlers from grazing upon their intellectual pastures. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for intellectual property, but if knowledge is power, then hoarding it is a super-villain move.

So, what's the fallout? Imagine sending your child to a prestigious school, only to find out the curriculum consists of bathroom graffiti and Twitter rants. That's right, our AI is being educated on the digital equivalent of junk food. The internet is bursting at the seams with low-quality information, and if that's all our AI learns from, don't be surprised if it starts spewing alternative facts. A daily habit to consider? Maybe we should all spend a few minutes contributing to open-source knowledge bases. It’s a small act that could foster collective wisdom.

Now, don't you find it curious? Nature is giving us the gift of more time, but we're squandering it. I mean, come on, the universe is practically handing us extra pages in the book of life, and what do we do? Allow organizations to rip them out before we even get a chance to read the first line. This not only affects our personal enrichment but has sweeping global implications for the training and utility of AI. We're talking about a technology that has the potential to solve some of humanity's biggest challenges. But how can it, if we're essentially blindfolding it?

Let's not forget, there's a historical precedent to knowledge hoarding, and it never ends well. Whether it was the burning of the Library of Alexandria or more modern paywalls that lock away scientific research, we should have learned by now. Wisdom is the common heritage of humanity, and by keeping it under lock and key, we're impoverishing not just ourselves but future generations. It's like being given the recipe for world peace and then locking it in a vault—ridiculous, right?

So here we are, at an intersection of natural phenomena and human choices. The days are getting longer, but our collective wisdom seems to be on a diet. It begs the question: What kind of world are we shaping? One that maximizes the potential of both time and technology, or one that hoards knowledge like a dragon sitting on a pile of gold? It's a paradox that deserves not just our attention but immediate action.

Victor Osimhen: Mina Rzouki says it's time Napoli gave back to the men who wrote their history

It's time Napoli realises the importance of relationships and how to give back to the men who wrote their history, writes BBC Sport columnist Mina Rzouki.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Baldwin's Window: Understanding the Emotional Labor in Leadership

 In a world where leadership is often defined by metrics and KPIs, we sometimes overlook the unquantifiable effort that goes into steering a ship—especially the emotional labor. Welcome to Baldwin's Window, a vantage point that redefines leadership through the lens of emotional intelligence and vulnerability.

You're a leader. You're the captain of your ship, the quarterback of your team, the maestro of your orchestra. But let me ask you this: When was the last time you peeked through Baldwin's Window? If your leadership style involves plowing through the sea of business with the stern face of a conqueror, you might be missing out on the most crucial aspect of leadership—emotional labor.

Imagine you're at the helm of a ship in turbulent waters. Your role isn't just to chart the course but to manage the emotional climate of your crew. They're anxious, uncertain, and looking to you for guidance. Your reaction to the storm isn't just a tactical maneuver; it's an emotional performance. It's the difference between a panicked crew and a focused one. It's the difference between a shipwreck and a voyage to remember. This is Baldwin's Window—seeing leadership not just as a set of tasks but as an emotional journey.

What's the daily habit that can keep Baldwin's Window open in your leadership style? It's empathy, my friends. A five-minute chat with a team member about their weekend plans, or a quick check-in to ask how they're feeling, can make a world of difference. It's like cleaning that window every day so you can see clearly what's happening on the other side.

Let's inject some excitement here. Picture yourself nailing a multi-million dollar deal or leading your team to a groundbreaking innovation. You're a hero! Now, go back to Baldwin's Window. The victory is sweet, but the celebration is sweeter when shared. Your team didn't just follow a leader; they were part of an emotionally fulfilling journey that made them feel seen, heard, and valued.

In a nutshell, Baldwin's Window isn't a leadership strategy; it's a leadership philosophy. It reminds us that the most impactful leaders don't just execute tasks; they perform emotional labor. They tune into the frequencies of their team's emotional landscape. They listen, they empathize, they inspire. So the next time you find yourself at the helm, remember to take a moment and look through Baldwin's Window. Your leadership—and your team—will be better for it.

The Echoes of Civil Rights: From Selma to Silicon Valley

 The Echoes of Civil Rights: From Selma to Silicon Valley. Strap in, because we're about to go on a journey that's part history lesson, part wake-up call, and a dash of something you didn't see coming.

Let me tell you, folks, it's 2023 and we're still wrestling with some age-old questions. Questions like, "Why can't we all just get along?" But before you chime in with a one-liner about world peace, let's take a detour and talk about the echoes of civil rights—from Selma to Silicon Valley.

Here's something you didn't expect. Ever wonder why your phone—your lifeline to the world—knows you better than your grandma? It's because algorithms are the new poll taxes and literacy tests of our time, gatekeeping who gets to speak and who gets heard. If Selma was a march for equal rights, Silicon Valley is a sprint for equal bytes.

And let's not ignore the daily routine that's as habitual as your morning coffee. You wake up, grab your phone, and check your feed. But instead of thumbing through a newspaper like your parents, you're scrolling through a world curated for you. Ever consider that this digital reality is a new battleground for civil rights? The right to be seen, the right to be heard, and the right to exist in a space that increasingly defines our society. If we don't march through this digital divide, we risk marginalizing voices that have fought for centuries to be heard. It's electrifying and terrifying, all at once.

You know what's awe-inspiring? The resilience of the human spirit to keep fighting. Just like the marchers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, we too can bridge the gap between our digital lives and our real lives. How? By becoming digital activists. You don't need a sign or a chant—although those never hurt—you just need a click. A click to share, to like, to amplify. Because the new civil rights movement will not be televised; it will be digitized.

Navigating Polarization: Lessons from the Republic's Past

Life has a funny way of coming full circle, doesn't it? We find ourselves in an era marked by division, where "us versus them" seems to be the national anthem. But if you look closely, you'll see the footprints of history echoing in the sand. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we? Navigating Polarization: Lessons from the Republic's Past. Buckle up; we're going on a time-traveling roller coaster.

You ever get that feeling when you scroll through your LinkedIn feed, and it's like walking through a verbal battlefield? Political landmines everywhere, and you're just trying to get to that one article about increasing productivity without stepping on one. Ah, the joys of polarization. Makes you wonder: is this a modern invention, or have we seen this movie before?

Well, spoiler alert! This ain't new, folks. What we're living through is like a rerun of a bad reality show, but with higher stakes. The Republic's past is a goldmine for lessons on how to steer this ship we call society, and believe it or not, we've navigated these choppy waters before.

So, you're probably asking, "Alright, hotshot, how do we navigate this mess?" Simple. A daily habit we can all adopt is the "Unplug and Plug-In" technique. Unplug from the echo chambers of your favorite news sources for a minute. Plug into the wisdom of those you disagree with. Just 10 minutes a day. It'll make the title of this blog reverberate in your mind long after you've forgotten what you had for breakfast.

But this isn't just some self-help trick. It's a call to arms. It's about stepping into the boxing ring of ideas, throwing some intellectual jabs, and maybe, just maybe, finding some common ground. Now, I don't know about you, but that excites me! The thought of breaking down these walls we've built around ourselves, finding that golden thread that connects us all—it's exhilarating!

Let me tell you a story. Imagine two childhood friends, both grew up in the same small town, playing basketball, dreaming of a better life. Fast forward 20 years. One's a tech mogul in Silicon Valley, the other's an environmental activist. They meet at a reunion, and you can cut the tension with a knife. Now, they could've gone on being two ships passing in the night, but they didn't. They chose to unplug and plug-in. A few heated debates and a couple of beers later, they realized they both wanted the same thing—a better world for their kids. That, my friends, is navigating polarization, lessons learned straight from the pages of the Republic's past.

Kenya to ban private children's homes over trafficking fears - Florence Bore

All privately owned orphanages and children's homes will be abolished, the social protection minister says.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Egypt fire: At least 38 injured in blaze at police complex

Around 50 ambulances sent to the facility, with people being treated for asphyxiation and burns.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Victor Osimhen: Striker says he has 'unwavering' love for Napoli and calls for unity among fanbase

Victor Osimhen says he has "unwavering" love for Napoli after the club was criticised for sharing a video on TikTok appearing to mock the striker.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

'Huge' fire breaks out at police facility in Egypt

Videos are being shared across social media of the blaze which local media says has injured more than 20 people.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Gabon's predators on the pitch: Inside a paedophile football scandal

BBC Africa Eye speaks to more than 30 witnesses about a network of abuse that continued for decades.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Senegal's navy intercepts boats carrying 600 would-be migrants

They were attempting the dangerous crossing to the Canary Islands, a gateway to Europe.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Nigeria's President Tinubu increases wages as national strike looms

The rise is far short of the demands of trade unions angered by the sharp rise in cost of living.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Cardiff Half Marathon: Vincent Mutai and Mestawut Fikir win 2023 titles

Vincent Mutai is the men's winner and Mestawut Fikir triumphs in the women's race at the 2023 Cardiff Half Marathon.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Mali crisis: Fierce fighting erupts after Tuareg rebels kill 'more than 80 soldiers'

Tuareg rebels attack a northern town as the UN mission continues its withdrawal from Mali.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Reverse migration: Why I'm moving from France to Algeria

Journalist Maher Mezahi writes that despite his immigrant father's cynicism, he fell in love with Algeria.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's

Friday, September 29, 2023

Sudan conflict: Living in Cairo, longing for Omdurman

The BBC's Mohamed Osman writes about his emotional return after war forced him to flee.

from BBC News - Africa
via Gabe's Musing's